Baby Panther Cage Size Question


New Member
Is a 24"x24"x48" cage too big for a 3-4 month old male panther? I have my vieled's old LLL reptile 24"x24"x48" cage and i was wondering if i could just use that for my new panther i am planning on purchasing this summer!

Thanks guys!
IMO I think it would be too large. Panther babies are small and he would have a hard time finding his food in something that large. I wouldn't put him in anything over 30 high.
I will say that when I got mine he was 3 months and I put him in a cage that size (I cup fed) and he's doing great... but Jan is much more of an expert than me :)
I just set up one that big for a baby cham. I am going to try to cup feed as you are and have heard from many others it will be fine. My old veilds baby cage was 30inx18x36 and he did just fine with eating and I never cup fed him.
Depends if it's a large 3 month or a small 4 month.

A large 4 month would have no issue.

A large 3 month likely would be fine too, but if they're a big undersized you may have some issues.
I saw this question before and somebody had a very cool solution. Why not just 'raise' the cage by putting someting solid/stable underneat so that the floor piece makes it not as high....?? That way when your cham grows up, nd needs the bigger cage, you just remove the part underneath, and 'voila' bigger cage.....

Wish I had read this before I bought my 18x18x36....If I had known would have bought the bigger and done this.

Anyways, just 2cents..
Well I thought about doing that too but ended up just buying a smaller cage. If you can find a stand that will let you raise it AND work for drainage then great but I couldnt make it work unless I spent like 30 and the screen was off by a couple inches on the side so I just ended up buying a new cage. Also I figured why not have a smaller cage for the little ones? This hobby is addicting and everyone knows they will want another baby cham
Is a 24"x24"x48" cage too big for a 3-4 month old male panther? I have my vieled's old LLL reptile 24"x24"x48" cage and i was wondering if i could just use that for my new panther i am planning on purchasing this summer!

Thanks guys!

If you've bought a new one I guess I'm a bit late, but that size of enclosure would have been fine! My baby panther started in 2.5" x 2.5" x 7" enclosure. I do have the luxury of using locusts as my main feeding insect, which head towards the light in the enclosure and dont hide very well at all, so are easy to find.

I always work on what they would have in the wild, and they would definitely have a larger range that any of our current enclosures.
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