Baby Panther Chameleon


New Member
Hi, I have a two month baby panther chameleon. I’m wondering if any of y’all know the gender I feel like it’s a girl but I’m not sure. The picture doesn’t show the color well, but on the cheeks / face they’re greenish blue.

And don’t worry I did not buy this from a breeder this was my first time breeding but sadly my incubator cooked all of my babies except this one… Luckily, I took this one out of the incubator and forgot to place it back in…. it was a good thing I forgot. 😌


  • IMG_3071.png
    417 KB · Views: 62
Hello and welcome to the forum! I believe your sweet baby is a girl but I am not 100% sure. I don’t think I am seeing the bulge that males have at the beginning of their tails. I don’t know much about caring for babies because I have juvenile/adult male panther. I will let others pop in and check your baby husbandry. So sorry about the rest of your chameleon babies. I hope the best to you and your little new tree dragon! Keep us updated! 😊
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