I've had 2 chameleons in the past. 1 Panther and 1 veiled. The Panther was already 2 years old and very friendly when we purchased. My veiled was 7 months. Both were able to be handled right away and put into their big boy cages. So I've never had a baby baby before. My new Panther Sully is 2.5 months old and approx 4" long (Nosy Faly). With lack of baby experience when should Sully begin to be handled? For now he is in 60 quart plastic Tupperware(suggested by our breeder) and will be in there for the next 2-4 weeks. I'm thinking leave him be until he is acclimated to his Tupperware? Or should I begin to try and hand feed him right away. I'm well aware that most chameleons will never like to be handled, our first Panther was super friendly and our veiled was not so much. I want to start young with Sully in the hopes he will earn my trust but also don't want to start out on the wrong foot. Any baby tips are well appreciated. In the long run If he decides to be a cranky little man that refuses to come into my hand, at least he'll be beautiful to look at