Baby quads!


New Member
Well, quad so far. Only one has hatched, and it looks like he's gonna be at least a day ahead of his clutchmates. Laid October 7, hatching March 7th, which puts them at 5 months on-the-dot.

I lost this quad girl last week, so I guess karma was being good to me today.

Here's the old lady meeting the hot, young, fertile, new girl on the block. They hit it off quite well:

Here are the giant eggs. See someone pippin'?:

I saw the first pip this morning, before heading out for the day. When I came home, a friend came along to see the chams. She could not stop squealing like a guinea pig. This little dude was already trying to make his great escape:



Aaaaand, a few more photos just 'cuz. What a cute little booger. Stink eye right out of the egg:





I don't know what it is, but 95% of my cham photos are of my quads. They, as a species, seem to be so photogenic. While I'm at it (since I never post stuff on here), here are a couple of the mom of this clutch:





Ahhh!!! Huge congrats! 'm so excited to see all of theses cool Cameroon species being bred, now born, in Canada. How many clutches do have cookin'?

Again, congrats
You lucky creature!!! i have been waiting almost forever to see a baby quad. I lost my first clutch, second clutch was laid 10/28 so if mine follow yours I may get to see baby quads soon. But since we can't be sure of that could you post more pictures of your babies? I do love my quads no doubt about it.:) Mom is a nice looking girl. You are doing a great job. Congratulations.

Congrats to you and best wishes on the whole clutch!

They're very important and I hope you'll share more pics as they progress so we can watch them grow.

I laughed at the "stinkeye" comment. Where do they get that? Born with it, I guess.

Warm regards.
Great job!!! your babies are amazing!!
lately I see more and more people having success with quadricornis.. i hope to enter in this list very soon!!
Aw, that is great! congratulations. I love the mouth full of cricket shot...aaaaaahhhhhh

I eat See Food.... :D
Thanks to everyone for the comments :)

So far, 9/10 are out of the egg. These guys don't chill in the egg for more than a few minutes after pipping. I tried to get some shots of them exiting, but they basically fly out of the egg. Quad horns are obvious, but I had no idea that they had wings, too! :D

Adam: This is my only current quad clutch. I'm gonna hold off on breeding them for a bit while I sort some other things out. I'll be in Victoria next month, though. Got any cool Cameroonians I can sneak back in my suitcase?? :p

As requested, I'm linking in a few more photos. I'm not a digital-type person, so I haven't bothered cropping or fixing any up. I picked some of my favourites. Enjoy!

A couple more surprises in the incubator:

Got nothing to do except give some stink eye:







And finally, a semi-group shot. Who knew chams grew on trees??


i wish this species was more readly available.

im tempted to get some through LLL , BUT at the same time paranoid...
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