This little one just hatched this morning. Other eggs are busting open, so hopefully more are to come. These eggs took a terribly long 14 months to incubate.
Thanks! I have no idea. For some reason, Sambavas from this line seem to constantly take 13 - 14 months. This is the 4th clutch from this sire to take such a long time. Your guess is as good as mine.
Wow Tom, you finally had more little jewels enter the world? But you know that beautiful angel was worth waiting for. I hope they all hatch healthy for you.
awe baby Sambavies!! Congrats to you Tom and alls I can say is wow about the sire. I love the color of his lateral line!!! I remember you posting that pic long ago and it was titled something like "Why I love Sambavas" I know why I love them!!!!
fwiw, my eggs from Pixel crossed with an El Lobo granddaughter hatched in 9 months. i've got 2 more clutches of those Sambava-wise, and then pure lines with another grandson of El Lobo. i sure hope they don't take 14 months either!