Baby veiled 22 days old


New Member
Hello there! I've just acquired my first ever chameleon! Ive had many bearded dragons( they will always be my favorite but I decided to try something new since we moved and I had to give them away) and a few snakes so I'm not new to the reptile world just the chameleon world, I found this little guy on Craigslist from someone who had babies, I've names him wembly. After looking at little further into it is realize he's a bit young for him to of been rehoming him, but he is doing great! He loves being handles he falls asleep on me if I hold him near bed time, my only question is he seems to only want to eat 1 or 2 crickets at a time, ( yes they are appropriate size not bigger than the space between his eyes) so my question would be should I feed him 1-2 every few hours throughout the day for now? Then when he starts eating more at once feed less often? His body is quite small (nose to vent maybe an inch and 1/2 if that ) so I can only imagine he couldn't eat too many at once haha but I know he should be eating around 10-12 crickets a day from what I've read. Any help is great! 20160729_225945.jpg 20160730_201721.jpg 20160730_201026.jpg
from what I have heard, babies need fed multiple times a day. What is your dusting schedule for him/her. do you know the gender?
from what I have heard, babies need fed multiple times a day. What is your dusting schedule for him/her. do you know the gender?
Were pretty positive it is a boy there's very little spurs on his back feet haha and so far I have been dusting his crickets with calcium w/out vitamin d3 and I haven't yet dusted them with d3 I know I should only do it a couple times a month so I'm going to have set days of the month I use that since this month is about to start I haven't gotten a multi vitamin dust yet, any suggestions on good brands?
Oh my he is sooo tiny!! :love: Best of luck with little Wembly (love the name by the way, it suits him!)
Oh my he is sooo tiny!! :love: Best of luck with little Wembly (love the name by the way, it suits him!)
once I saw at a reptile expo what they said was a veiled chameleon and I am almost 100% sure it had just (maybe a few days before) hatched. It was only about a centimeter long not counting the tail!
Wow! My Izzie is 4 inches from nose to vent right now and she has grown a lot since I got her 4 weeks's hard to imagine holding a little one like yours. He will grow super quick! Hopefully some of the more experienced members can help you on feeding, etc. I would think pinhead crickets or wingless fruit flies..but I have never had one so little. (Actually, Izzie is my first cham, so I am still reading and asking tons of questions.)
Chameleon Info:
  • Your Chameleon - Male veiled 22 days old. I've had him for about 5 days now
  • Handling - I handle him every day
  • Feeding - he's currently eating small crickets dusted with calcium w/out d3 about 2 every few hours but I make sure to offer them often in a feeder cup. He's also had a couple mealworms but mainly crickets. I'm gut-loading them with collard greens and carrot peels currently and will switch it up in a few days
  • Supplements - dusting at every feeding calcium w/out d3 zoo-med brand
  • Watering - I have a dripper which he loves he will sit and wait for a drop to form and then grab it before it falls haha and I also hand mist about every hour or so whenever I see its dried up from the previous mist.
  • Fecal Description - they look healthy to me not runny at all.

Cage Info:
  • Cage Type - reptile breeze 16x16x30 screen cage
  • Lighting - lights on 12 hours a day uvb 5.0 reptisun bulb and 75 watt basking bulb don't remember the brand
  • Temperature - 87 where he basks ( he can climb higher than that but this is where he normally sits ) and about 75-80 at the bottom but he never really goes down there. The house doesnt go below 74 I have 2 thermometers in the enclosure
  • Humidity - humidity stays around 60%
  • Plants - live plant gardenia and a fake one off that plant
  • Placement - he's on a stand in our from room where our computers are, there's no vents on that side of the room.
  • Location - san diego


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The CFL UVB bulbs are no good. They put out so little UVB. I would buy a regular florescent UVB. They put off much more UVB and spread it out over a much greater area. What color are the fecals?
Welcome to the forums and congrats on Wembly. He certainly is a little cutie. How are you offering him his crickets? Cup? bowl? Hand feeding? Free ranging them in his cage? He should be very hungry and eating 10 to 15 feeders a day. I feed babies three times a day. You should also buy him some Phoenix worms. Baby veileds love those. This is how I recommending keeping baby veileds.
The CFL UVB bulbs are no good. They put out so little UVB. I would buy a regular florescent UVB. They put off much more UVB and spread it out over a much greater area. What color are the fecals?
Okay, this is this is the one it came which in a pack so I figured I'd use it for now and see what you guys thought, do those come in the 2.0 5.0 or 10.0 options? If so which one is best for him? Also white and brown and solid haha
Welcome to the forums and congrats on Wembly. He certainly is a little cutie. How are you offering him his crickets? Cup? bowl? Hand feeding? Free ranging them in his cage? He should be very hungry and eating 10 to 15 feeders a day. I feed babies three times a day. You should also buy him some Phoenix worms. Baby veileds love those. This is how I recommending keeping baby veileds.
I put them in a little cup which he will eat out of every once in a while one will jump out but he finds them or I take them out before bed time, and thanks for the worm suggetion! I just knew mealworms can be pretty small so I figured I'd give those a go :p
Welcome to the forums and congrats on Wembly. He certainly is a little cutie. How are you offering him his crickets? Cup? bowl? Hand feeding? Free ranging them in his cage? He should be very hungry and eating 10 to 15 feeders a day. I feed babies three times a day. You should also buy him some Phoenix worms. Baby veileds love those. This is how I recommending keeping baby veileds.
Also thanks for the link!! I could only really find care sheets for adults or ones like 3months and up so it's nice to have something to refer to since he's so little and things are a little different haha
Okay, this is this is the one it came which in a pack so I figured I'd use it for now and see what you guys thought, do those come in the 2.0 5.0 or 10.0 options? If so which one is best for him? Also white and brown and solid haha
Get the 5.0 and I would get a 24 inch one since you will need to upgrade your cage in the future.
Is that a a piece of plastic tubing in the second picture? I am afraid he will slip on it. A stick or vine would be better. Sand papering the plastic might make it rougher. Sorry to bother you about it, I just saw a story about a Cham falling and breaking several bones. It has me thinking about it.
Welcome to the forums. He is a cutie!!

Just one observation, I would add more horizontal beaches for him at varying levels. The plant is great for cover but it doesn't have much for him to hold on and grasp which is why he's hanging out on the tubing. You can go a to Michael's or a Hobby Lobby type of place and get some vines and sticks, just make sure they are natural and aren't coated with anything. Or you can get more dowels...You can easily attach them to the screen with thumb tacks pushed into their ends from the outside of the screen.
Welcome to the forums. He is a cutie!!

Just one observation, I would add more horizontal beaches for him at varying levels. The plant is great for cover but it doesn't have much for him to hold on and grasp which is why he's hanging out on the tubing. You can go a to Michael's or a Hobby Lobby type of place and get some vines and sticks, just make sure they are natural and aren't coated with anything. Or you can get more dowels...You can easily attach them to the screen with thumb tacks pushed into their ends from the outside of the screen.

Do I have to do either cup feeding or free range? can I just feed my baby all hand fed?
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