Baby veiled 22 days old

Chameleon Info:
  • Your Chameleon - Male veiled 22 days old. I've had him for about 5 days now
  • Handling - I handle him every day
  • Feeding - he's currently eating small crickets dusted with calcium w/out d3 about 2 every few hours but I make sure to offer them often in a feeder cup. He's also had a couple mealworms but mainly crickets. I'm gut-loading them with collard greens and carrot peels currently and will switch it up in a few days
  • Supplements - dusting at every feeding calcium w/out d3 zoo-med brand
  • Watering - I have a dripper which he loves he will sit and wait for a drop to form and then grab it before it falls haha and I also hand mist about every hour or so whenever I see its dried up from the previous mist.
  • Fecal Description - they look healthy to me not runny at all.

Cage Info:
  • Cage Type - reptile breeze 16x16x30 screen cage
  • Lighting - lights on 12 hours a day uvb 5.0 reptisun bulb and 75 watt basking bulb don't remember the brand
  • Temperature - 87 where he basks ( he can climb higher than that but this is where he normally sits ) and about 75-80 at the bottom but he never really goes down there. The house doesnt go below 74 I have 2 thermometers in the enclosure
  • Humidity - humidity stays around 60%
  • Plants - live plant gardenia and a fake one off that plant
  • Placement - he's on a stand in our from room where our computers are, there's no vents on that side of the room.
  • Location - san diego

I'm not a pro with chameleons, but I'd be careful with the compact UVB. My 10 week old had a swollen and closed eye from the compact. Went and got a tube 5.0 and it helped.

Also is 75w too high for basking? I live in San Diego as well and got a 25w soft white. I read baby's don't need as much heat as adults. I try to keep it at 85 for him.

Also if you bought it from lllreptile don't listen to those idiots. They tried to tell me too much vitamin A and never even mentioned the lights. I noticed they used tubes on all the cages and not a single compact.

I even bought repashy from them with D3 and they told me to dust the feeders 4 times a week with D3. That didn't seem to add up!
I am currently raising 4 clutches of babies. They are all montane species so their care will vary in some ways but this is what I recommend. For the first 3 months, no heat lamp as babies are not very proficient at regulating their temperature. For UVB, use a 2.0 linear bulb as 5.0 can cause health problems because it is too intense for babies. Babies can be fed on 100% fruit flies for the first three months. If you want to add other very small feeders that is fine but babies do very well with fruit flies. Your cage is quite big for a baby so I would put one or two small pieces of fruit in the enclosure to attract the fruit flies and concentrate them in one area so the baby can find them and catch them easily. You do not need to dust fruit flies. When the babies gets a bit older you can begin dusting its crickets 2 times a week only.

Here is a care sheet for Veiled chameleons here on the Forums. It has information specific to Veiled babies. Good luck!

This is what works for me and my babies. Again, good luck!
Its the tube for the dripper, idk why he likes to sit on it haha so it is plastic but not smooth plastic it does have some grip to it maybe I can push it a little closer to the wall, he has other branches too
Is that a a piece of plastic tubing in the second picture? I am afraid he will slip on it. A stick or vine would be better. Sand papering the plastic might make it rougher. Sorry to bother you about it, I just saw a story about a Cham falling and breaking several bones. It has me thinking about it.
Welcome to the forums. He is a cutie!!

Just one observation, I would add more horizontal beaches for him at varying levels. The plant is great for cover but it doesn't have much for him to hold on and grasp which is why he's hanging out on the tubing. You can go a to Michael's or a Hobby Lobby type of place and get some vines and sticks, just make sure they are natural and aren't coated with anything. Or you can get more dowels...You can easily attach them to the screen with thumb tacks pushed into their ends from the outside of the screen.
That's genius with the thumb tacks I never would of thought of that thanks!
Welcome to the forums. He is a cutie!!

Just one observation, I would add more horizontal beaches for him at varying levels. The plant is great for cover but it doesn't have much for him to hold on and grasp which is why he's hanging out on the tubing. You can go a to Michael's or a Hobby Lobby type of place and get some vines and sticks, just make sure they are natural and aren't coated with anything. Or you can get more dowels...You can easily attach them to the screen with thumb tacks pushed into their ends from the outside of the screen.
That's genius with the thumb tacks I never would of thought of that thanks!
I'm not a pro with chameleons, but I'd be careful with the compact UVB. My 10 week old had a swollen and closed eye from the compact. Went and got a tube 5.0 and it helped.

Also is 75w too high for basking? I live in San Diego as well and got a 25w soft white. I read baby's don't need as much heat as adults. I try to keep it at 85 for him.

Also if you bought it from lllreptile don't listen to those idiots. They tried to tell me too much vitamin A and never even mentioned the lights. I noticed they used tubes on all the cages and not a single compact.

I even bought repashy from them with D3 and they told me to dust the feeders 4 times a week with D3. That didn't seem to add up!
:ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO: I'm learning more and more people don't like lll reptiles I didn't buy anything there except the crickets because they had the smallest ones :p
:ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO: I'm learning more and more people don't like lll reptiles I didn't buy anything there except the crickets because they had the smallest ones :p

Try kahoots in la Mesa! They have way better crickets, and they will be a better size then lll. They also last longer! The kahoots in next to grossmont center mall gets a fresh drop every Friday! Also some petcos have calci worms on hand, they are basically just Phoenix worms. They are great for chams, have a lot of calcium. Not sure if u want to make it a everyday thing tho.

Keep me posted on the compact bulb, I would deff keep a eye on him. My little buddy is getting better from it, but I wish I would have caught it sooner
:ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO: I'm learning more and more people don't like lll reptiles I didn't buy anything there except the crickets because they had the smallest ones :p

Also baby dubias I hear are another great staple. I just ordered these

Sucks I can't find them local, but I hear they are packed with nutrition and don't stink like crickets. I should have them in a couple days, I'll let you know the actual size to see if ur buddy may be able to eat it.

Where did you get him by chance? I'm thinking of possibly getting another down the line, but will not be going back to lllreptile
The CFL UVB bulbs are no good. They put out so little UVB. I would buy a regular florescent UVB. They put off much more UVB and spread it out over a much greater area. What color are the fecals?

Their output is decent enough but the biggest surface part is on the sides so little light is aimed down.
If you put the lamp in a horizontal fixture it will do alot better.
It's also recommended to use a good reflector (or aluminium foil).
Try kahoots in la Mesa! They have way better crickets, and they will be a better size then lll. They also last longer! The kahoots in next to grossmont center mall gets a fresh drop every Friday! Also some petcos have calci worms on hand, they are basically just Phoenix worms. They are great for chams, have a lot of calcium. Not sure if u want to make it a everyday thing tho.

Keep me posted on the compact bulb, I would deff keep a eye on him. My little buddy is getting better from it, but I wish I would have caught it sooner
That's so funny I use to live RIGHT by grossmont center but just moved a week ago lol but I still go there for my dog food they're the only place that carries the brand I like and I will be getting the new bulb this Friday thanks for looking out :D and I just found him on Craigslist a guy out in El cajon had him!
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