Baby veiled chameleon digging?


New Member
Shes about 2 months old. Atleast thats what they told me when i bought her two weeks ago at PetSmart and shes really small too so she does look like a 2 month old. Anyway i see shes starting to dig and she pooped a white strip with something on it i dont know. I know her poop tho so i know it wasnt poop. Im worried what could it be? Im scared this is my first cham and i dont want her to be sick :(
I had a female chameleon like yours when females dig that means that it is time for them to lay their eggs usually about 4 to 6 month olds do. they probably didnt know exacly how old she was and guessed but the poop thing is normal the white stuff is just the skin from food that you feed her. like crickets meal worm super worms all that kind of stuff. and chameleons lay eggs kind of like chickens every 6 to 12 month they will do the same digging thing and and its time to start the process again. if you need info on the process to get her ready to lay eggs let me know.

I had a female chameleon like yours when females dig that means that it is time for them to lay their eggs usually about 4 to 6 month olds do. they probably didnt know exacly how old she was and guessed but the poop thing is normal the white stuff is just the skin from food that you feed her. like crickets meal worm super worms all that kind of stuff. and chameleons lay eggs kind of like chickens every 6 to 12 month they will do the same digging thing and and its time to start the process again. if you need info on the process to get her ready to lay eggs let me know.

But shes really small and skinny but yes i would love for you to help me because like i said. Shes my first cham
ok well you only have a 7 day window to do this because this is a very fatal thing if they cant lay there eggs then they will hold them in and that can kill her and we don't want that. you will need like one of those 5 gallon buckets get some sand mix and soil mix( mostly sand). make sure that it is damp and packed down some a quarter of the not all the way full of the sand mix but enough to were she cant try to excape out. since this is her first time doing this she is going to be very shy and wont start the process if your watching or busy traffic areas so make sure that she is in a quiet room this may take some time for this process to happen. I had to put a tray over my females bucket cuz she didnt wanna be in there but after a while she knew what she had to do. she is going to dig her way all the way down the bucket so if u do happen to check on her she might "not" be there haha but she is just way down in there but once she is don't she will pack the whole and probably fall asleep I would just leave her alone for a while ( I would say you should do this at might like a few hours before you go to bed so she has time to relax) cuz she is in guard mode.
I am currently going through that with my girl. She is not eating all the sudden and is showing her first colors of blue dots and blue in her veil. She is very moody too. I placed a 18 wide X 10 inch deep pot with play sand and black sand. she has not done anything yet, but I am super nervous about her not eating. She does drink though so....:confused:
thank you didn't know that my stepsister said that to me and idk don't really trust anything she says lol but thank you.

Yes. So is she gravid? I still did what you told me and nothings happening lol and yes she eats middle sized crickets about 15 everyday, that good? Also shes grumpy today and usually shes really chill :(
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She looks small to be gravid, though anything is possible. Have you checked your temperatures? It might be hot and she's trying to get away from the heat. Or she may not have enough foliage to hide in and be stressed. Can you post pictures of her enclosure? It would be good if you could read through the care sheet for Veileds on this forum to make sure she's getting a balanced diet, they need veggies, unlike Panthers.
She looks small to be gravid, though anything is possible. Have you checked your temperatures? It might be hot and she's trying to get away from the heat. Or she may not have enough foliage to hide in and be stressed. Can you post pictures of her enclosure? It would be good if you could read through the care sheet for Veileds on this forum to make sure she's getting a balanced diet, they need veggies, unlike Panthers.

How would i give her veggies? And shes not hot because she likes to be near the light and when shes hot she just goes down to the cooler part and she has A
Zoo Med ReptiBreeze Open Air Screen Cage, Small, 16 x 16 x 20-Inches. Thinking on gettigg a bigger one when shes bigger
How would i give her veggies? And shes not hot because she likes to be near the light and when shes hot she just goes down to the cooler part and she has A
Zoo Med ReptiBreeze Open Air Screen Cage, Small, 16 x 16 x 20-Inches. Thinking on gettigg a bigger one when shes bigger
I haven't kept Veileds, so I don't know, but it will be on the care sheet:

It will help the experienced keepers to give you appropriate advice if you can copy and paste the questions from the 'how to ask for help' post:
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