Baby veiled - how old is he?


New Member
Hello! My husband just brought home a veiled chameleon from a local reptile show, and forgot to ask when he was hatched. I was wondering if anyone could guess how old he is. I don't have the ability to post pics right now but I will when I get to an actual computer and not on an iPhone.

He is roughly 1.25 inches from nose to base of tail and he has no visible banding yet.
I would say about a month or so. As far as the gender look at the back of the back heel. The males have little points and the females do not. They are called tarsal spurs. Coloring cannot distinguish the age when they are this young.
I would say about a month or so. As far as the gender look at the back of the back heel. The males have little points and the females do not. They are called tarsal spurs. Coloring cannot distinguish the age when they are this young.

Yep he has spurs for sure! I'm definitely glad of that since in the research we have done I have read horror stories of egg bound fems
I am glad you have a male if that is what you wanted! As Jann said about being a few weeks old, that is true. I said a month but that is a rough guess and he could be younger. Put him on your finger and take a picture so we can see his actual size. Pet stores sell them way too young. Most reputable breeders will not sell theirs until they are atleast 2 months or more.
I am glad you have a male if that is what you wanted! As Jann said about being a few weeks old, that is true. I said a month but that is a rough guess and he could be younger. Put him on your finger and take a picture so we can see his actual size. Pet stores sell them way too young. Most reputable breeders will not sell theirs until they are atleast 2 months or more.

I am not able to get a pic yet but I will. He was on my finger and I marked where his nose and tail were and then measured that lol. That's how I got the 1.25 inches. My husband got him from LLL reptiles at a local show
Not sure if that picture worked, but that is from today. Still not too sure of his age but he is a cutie! He still needs a name but husband and I are bad at naming pets. He likes yoshi, I like creeper.
His Name is officially Creeper! Thanks for the help guys! I just gave him his first dubia nymphs and he decided to atc like a badass and change colors. Thought I would share!
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