Baby Veiled w/ Closed Eyes


New Member
Just bought a 1-2mo. old baby femal veiled at a reptile show. At the show her eyes were open and she was very energetic. After getting her home (in a brown lunch bag with paper towel inside) and into her new enclosure, she has both eyes closed and won;t open them. I know that can usually be a sign of dehydration but i dont think thats the case. Was it the taking her home and being exposed to bright sunluight, or may she have somehow irritated both eyes against the paper bag or something. Please help, thank you.
i would take it to the vet. usually when they are dehydration their eyes will be sunk in, not closed. i would go to a vet tomarrow morning and contact the people you got it from now
There certainly could have been something in the bag that irritated her eyes. I have never heard of pakaging reptiles this way. She could also be way stressed. Give her a light misting to help her clean her eyes. What type of cage are you using?
To NDeuser,
I'm glad that you were smart enough to know to purchase a baby C. from a reptile show and not a pet shop because most of the show vendors are very reputable breeders.
However, isn't that awfully young for a breeder to sell a baby that young(less than 3 months of age) due to the high mortality rate of babies and most buyers are not experienced enough to care for them when they are that young and they are that much more suspectable to enviromental stress!!

How long was she in the bag before you actually got her home and into a cage? Did you adequately lightly mist her right away when you got her into her new cage to hydrate her (Delay in misting can cause severe dehydration problems especially when they are purchased so young!!)

Let us know if she improves!!

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