Baby veileds sure do eat allot


Chameleon Enthusiast
Luie & Camille's babies will be 3 weeks old Sunday and I have already ordered my 4th order of 1000 pinhead crickets and I have 7 fruit fly cultures. So in 3 weeks time I have bought 4000 pinheads and 7 fruit fly last weekend my husband picked them out some very small baby dubias and Turks. I feed them 2 to 3 times a day and they never leave any feeders in the baby bins.....just allot of poop. :eek: I change the paper towels in the baby bins every day and every other day wipe the bins out.

My advice to anyone thinking about breeding.....have a large chameleon savings account to cover expenses. So far I have been luck and no one has been sick but do plan to take them to see Dr. Alfonso for a two month old check over before I start placing them in homes.
with 60 babys they were getting through 250 crickets a day so 7 boxes a week which was $28 and i had to get food for the adults
Stefan, I'll make some pics this weekend.

I only have 26 babies but it's cheaper to get the crickets by the thousand......I save on shipping but some of them do die off. I ordered large pinheads this past time.
Stefan, I'll make some pics this weekend.

I only have 26 babies but it's cheaper to get the crickets by the thousand......I save on shipping but some of them do die off. I ordered large pinheads this past time.

Nice thread, Jann! I currently am taking care of some 1 mo. panther babies and can empathize. Also, I'm waiting for a clutch of trans. veileds to start hatching (25 of them) and soon (couple months), my clutch of CB melleri (59 of them) will start hatching. I am having nightmares already just thinking of all the baby food I will need. :eek::eek::eek: I will have to start standing on a street corner to pay for all of it. :rolleyes: <kidding of course...>
Sounds familiar! Jann-keep track of these expenses so you can make a new thread like my Cost of Raising 69 Baby Veileds thread! There is power in the numbers! :)
If any of you have a large batch of veileds you want to sell at one time, we are looking for a large batch at this time, as our main breeders are "in between" groups at the moment, and we are always looking for new quality private breeders. Feel free to PM me on here if you are looking to sell your entire clutch of veileds! Thanks guys

LLLReptile & Supply
If any of you have a large batch of veileds you want to sell at one time, we are looking for a large batch at this time, as our main breeders are "in between" groups at the moment, and we are always looking for new quality private breeders. Feel free to PM me on here if you are looking to sell your entire clutch of veileds! Thanks guys

LLLReptile & Supply

Thank for the offer Scott but no thanks. I am enjoying every moment that I have with these little guys. When the time comes and I have to part with them, I am hoping to place each one with and experienced keeper that will give it a good and loving home.

Jared, I will make some pictures and try to get a video of them eating this weekend.
Hi, I have 48 babies the oldest are 5 weeks, the youngest are 2 weeks old. Yes, they do eat more than me :), I`m reserving crickets (1000) in my nearest pet store plus order other 1000 from net every week, that`s a lot of money. just a small advice I have changed pinheads and fruit flies for size small or medium crikets bec. they easily can eat it and much easier to dust them and they can`t come out the cage as fruit flies did. try them and you will see how big cricket they can eat. have a nice day :D
Jann they do keep you busy & broke don't they? But they are so much fun it is all worth it. But I couldn't do it all time. I am not sure how people like Steve do it, with lots of babies and a full time ++ job. Guess that makes him a better man than me.:eek:

Enjoy the babies while they are small, they grow sooooo fast.
Hi, I have 48 babies the oldest are 5 weeks, the youngest are 2 weeks old. Yes, they do eat more than me :), I`m reserving crickets (1000) in my nearest pet store plus order other 1000 from net every week, that`s a lot of money. just a small advice I have changed pinheads and fruit flies for size small or medium crikets bec. they easily can eat it and much easier to dust them and they can`t come out the cage as fruit flies did. try them and you will see how big cricket they can eat. have a nice day :D

Just be careful and make sure that they do not choke! :(
My baby veileds start eating 1/4" crickets at 3 weeks and don't have a problem. Throw a few in the bin and see what happens.
Hi, I think in the nature they would see a lot of different size of insects, but they know which one to choose. they fine, I have never seen any to having a problem with bigger crix.
they will eat you out of house and home

hoping to start breeding crickets as they are soo expensive with babies eating so many.. lol
I'm really enjoying them and not meaning to complain about the feeders just trying to discourage some of the new and younger members who seem to think it's nothing to breeding and raising babies.

Juli; I've been keeping up with the cost and after I find homes for all of them I'll do a thread like you did.....69 veileds.....I can imagine having 69. I did once keep 36 panther babies for Lizbeth for two weeks.
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