Chameleon Enthusiast
I'm babysitting Ryan's 2 very gravid female panthers plus some geckos. Female #1 (code name Amber) has been digging test holes and not eating for 2 days. Their cages have been covered since they arrived last week. Today Amber decided her test hole was a good place to begin and she dug deeper and laid her eggs! We tried not to peek, so didn't get to see anything but a dirty nose sticking out. She decorated her nest with the hanging plant from above and even buried the branch in the soil with the leaves sticking out. She just ate a nice juicy silkworm. She looks deflated but healthy. I'll be digging out eggs tonite! It's very exciting. I've had pygmy eggs before, this is a little different.
I had one of their leopard geckos hatch too while they have been gone.
I had one of their leopard geckos hatch too while they have been gone.