New Member
Had a traumatic morning yesterday. I turned Karma's uv on in the morning, He was hidden in his vines as usual with just his tail showing and I could see that he turned to his awake colours. I then misted his viv and he did not come out like he usually does. I parted his vines to see him gripping onto the vine but with his head lolling back. I got no reaction when I touched him, he is normally quite stroppy. Concerned I made a temporary platform under his vine so if he dropped he would not hurt himself. I laid him on it and he just lay on his side for at least 20 mins without moving in his sleeping colours. The worst thing was that his eyes were completely sunken like the pictures I have seen of dead chameleons. He then gradually came around and within another 20 mins was back to normal and even ate 4 locusts. He seems absolutely fine today and has eaten well. He is pooing regularly and his urates are normal, no orange. Anyone got any ideas???