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OK diezel is better than i thought but is still bad. He has some calcium problems and a few other small stuff. heres my bill. i told you it would be alot.

EXAM: 70
Blood work: 92
Calcium Glubionate:15
Ciproflowin 500mg: 20
Aluminum Hydroxide Suspention: 10
Oxbow Carnivore Care: 20

total $227

i have to give it all by mouth. any help with how to squirt it into his mouth. thanks
Don't squirt it into your chameleon's might aspirate it. Ease it in.
Did your vet provide you with some needleless syringes?

If you can get your chameleon to drink, you may be able to get some of it in while its mouth is opening and shutting. It usually makes it less stressful.

Good luck!
Did he tell you that when he gets better you need to get him on a good supplementation schedule?
the vet said for natural calcium that all i need are collar greens in the cricket food and they will have enough so that i dont have to dust. hes on some kind of yummy(sike) liquid diet until he can eat on his own again.
Wow-has your vet ever worked with chameleons? Collard greens alone will not provide him with enough. There will certainly need to be dusting. I have a hard time believing that the vet thinks he has calcium problems and then would say that???
i didnt really like them. and they were expensive. she told me that the uvb tube light wasnt good and to get a regular bulb that has uvb. i didnt like that advice either. can you tell me what and where i can get good dust.
Your bill looks very similar to what we pay here.

We have done most of our meds by dribbling the stuff into the chams mouth from a needleless syringe. Some chams will open their mouths if you gently place your hand over their back and your thumb and forefinger on either side of the jaw. Then with the other hand you dribble in the food. Like Kinyonga said, be very careful not to squirt it into the mouth.

Another method we've done is to purchase needled syringes from our local pharmacy, inject the meds into silkworms, and feed it to the chams.

We had one cham who was so stressed by the ordeal of taking meds that we figured out this other method: Take a little of the powdered carnivore care food, mix it in with the medication, create a paste, smear the paste on a feeder (preferably silkworm or dubia, crickets might not work out to well with this method), and offer that to the cham. This is not the best method, because some of the meds no doubt get lost on the surface of the bowl when mixing the paste. However, if Diezel is not getting feeders, then you may be able to get the paste into his mouth. On the bright side, the chams generally love the taste of the carnivore care stuff.

If Diezel is really stubborn about opening his mouth, you can "pry" it open with a small rubber spatula. Our vet also showed us how to use a large paper clip as a speculum. But that's a real last resort method.
The method my vet showed me for squirting in the mouth was shooting past the opening to the lungs, (which is the small hole on the lower portion of the jaw). Get the syringe into the back of the mouth and then just shoot it in. Then there's very little chance of aspiration.

Also - there was no way I could have medicated my veiled without one person holding him and opening his mouth, and another person administering.

Find a new vet. Sorry for your experience.
the vet said for natural calcium that all i need are collar greens in the cricket food and they will have enough so that i dont have to dust. hes on some kind of yummy(sike) liquid diet until he can eat on his own again.

Um, I wouldn't take his advise on that at all.
I would also dump what they said about the tube lights into the trash bin.
Just my opinion.

re: dust
please see my earlier post for the 3 products I use on rotation

Re: the vet bill
that's about twice what I've been paying here.
There's some debate as to who's better locally
(guess we've got some really high powered people here for reptile care)
It almost seems worth it to overnight a sick animal to someone
that knows what they're talking about (and has better rates).
just as long as the cham can easily make the trip in a box I'd think seriously about it

gesang describes the same methods I use to medicate my animals
without causing a big fuss.

My first choice is usually injections
then feeding with tasty things injected with goodies
lastly... forced feeding and dealing with lockjaw..
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Ouch man

my vet bill was:

44 for visit including intraperitoneal fluids and b-vitamins
22 for fecal sent to lab due to size
he saw my female for stool for no charge except stool sample and his advice was exactly as the experts posting on this site
(my Cham did die though:()

you can get syringes whithout needles in any drug store in childrens section

Good luck

thay wanted to charge 100 for the visit but i got them down. and she didnt diagnose him with MBD but she did diagnose him with temporary tounge paralisis. becaus ehe wont shoot his tounge. i actually called a vet from Newark NJ thats about 45 minutes from me and he agve me all the advice he could and told me he would be more than happy to see my guy if i were willing to take him up there for less than $100 for anything i need. he was a great guy on the phone.
Yeah they kinda ARE like birds
Once you are seeing signs it's only because something has progressed
so far it's difficult to recover.

I'm glad to hear he's recovering
you may also wish to replace your UV tube if it's a year or so old

Thats the one good thing about living in NH. My vet bill for my new guy for an emergency visit was 71. That included 2 stools, 1 for him and 1 for my new female, and the meds because he had tapeworms. Er visit was cause he had a prolapsed hemi, and i freaked, but after driving an hour to get there and 10 mins of waiting, it went in just before the doc came in. I think he did it on Of course the bad thing about NH is it was only 48% today. I can't wait to move to SC.

Good luck

Romeo lockjaw

What is causing my veiled's lockjaw? What can I give him to make him better? He wants to eat but can't open his mouth! I'm so worried!
What is causing my veiled's lockjaw? What can I give him to make him better? He wants to eat but can't open his mouth! I'm so worried!

You need to create a thread of your own in the health clinic. Fill out the form as directed rather than adding to old threads. People will need information about your cham to answer your questions.

Instead of hitting reply, when you are in the Health Clinic section hit the New Thread button..

Follow this link to see what info is requested when asking health questions.
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