banana as gutload?

I use bananas sometimes I just dont like how fast they go bad and they have more phosphorus than calcium wich isnt a good thing but aslong as its not the only thing ur feeding them it shouldnt hurt.
The high Potassium content may be a problem, at least for certain species, such as Meller's. I think use of bananas has been linked to seizures, and it was thought to stem from their high potassium. Don't know if that applies to other chameleons, as well.
As I said in the other post, Bananas are actually very high in sugar- making them not that great of a feeder. The crickets will go nuts for them, but the cham will get very little benefit.

Romaine, endives, carrots, apple, oranges, honey, kale, sprouts - all good and cheap items that can be used to feed the feeders. Keep in mind you do not have to give them first pick of the food!

when your cleaning your carrots, give the shavings to the crix. The dark parts of the romaine? to the crix. Apple core? to the crix. left over salad ( no dressing )? to the crix.

When you do it that way, the cost becomes very little... in fact its almost recycling.
I used banana once. It was a nightmare just becasue of how messy it was and how quickly it went bad. wouldn't recommend it.
When you do it that way, the cost becomes very little... in fact its almost recycling.
that is great about them. i do this and buy the crickets in bulk, and overall i feed 4 chams for the same price as it used to cost me to feed one:D:D
after reading this i'm glad i only give the crickets a small piece of bannana once every othe month or less...
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