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I just fed my 1 year old veiled some banana. He absolutely loved it and goes bright green the second he even sees it in my hand now. Is there a limit on how much he should have versus his crickets and worms, and is it even good for him in the first place? He eats alot of the plants in his cage already.
Banana to them is like candy to us. It's ok for a treat once in awhile. I recommend trying some greens and veggies. Most of my veileds like collard, mustard, kale and turnip greens. You can also offer other shredded veggies such as carrots. Oh and they love Hibiscus leaves and flowers. Here's Camille having some Hibiscus flower.
I fed my Chameleon some bananas yesterday, and a little piece stuck to his lower jaw when he was chewing. Today that banana piece has turned brown, will it take care of itself?
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