bar question. and hiccup?


New Member
So I cannot really tell what color his bars are.....can someone help me? lol
This picture was taken a few weeks ago and he just shed again today but its the best picture I have of him all fired up. I'm confused because his bars start red and get blue in the middle. He is an 'Oh My' from Kammers, if that helps at all.

ALSO, do chams hiccup? or sneeze? Because I was petting my cham for a minute, he puffed up and kind of stayed that way for 30 or so seconds after I stopped petting. He turned around and let out a quick, for lack of a better word, huff of air out. It wasn't any longer than a 1/4 of a second. Just a quick huff lol. Then he went back to wandering about his cage. Any idea what it was? I'm awfully curious


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His bars look blue.

As for the puff, that is not normal. Chameleons don't make noises unless they hiss. It may be a reparatory infection. If you can see inside his mouth, do you see any excess mucus?
It sounds like a displeased huff. Mine do it all the time to me lol It's not quite a hiss because they're not angry but they are displeased or uncomfortable, so they sort of "pfff." My Daedalus is a sweetie pie so he's never aggressive, but I do get a huff if he wants back in his cage.

It could be what Pilotman suggested, but I'd almost bet money it's a humph.

And his bars looks like they'd be considered blue. He's not full grown yet, right? He may change 7 different times before he settles into his colors. But for now, they look blue.
He was trying to wiggle away from me around the side of the branch while I was petting him.... He doesnt have any excess mucus, always have his eyes open, never keeps his mouth open (unless he really warm and I have to cool off his cage). The noise was definitely not a wheeze or a puff. It was like a quick exhale out of the nostrils. It was not loud or anything either. I have heard a chameleon that has an upper respiratory infection and it sounded nothing like that. Knowing that your cham makes a 'humph' noise, makes me think it was something similar

and yes, he is only about 6 months. He is a youngin!
Yea that's exactly what it is, like a huff through their nose. They don't open their mouth or anything, like a quick humph lol If I had a good camera with video I'd try to get it recorded. For mine it's a sign of displeasure.

Oh yea, just a baby! He'll grow into his final adult colors in a little bit of time. Mine even surprise me with dramatic changes after the 1 year mark. My Daedalus used to be almost solid turquoise, to the point where he and my Nosy Be looked about the same. And since he was over a year old I thought he wouldn't change very dramatically. Well, he shed over the summer and there was SO much red there suddenly. It's like the Faly in him decided it was the time to kick in. You wouldn't believe I have the same animal.

So enjoy his phases as he grows up! It's fun to see what you're getting with each shed.
okay good, thank god its not anything serious. I am excited to see how many different colors he will get and when :D I will be sure to keep y'all updated with lots of pictures!
His bars look blue.

As for the puff, that is not normal. Chameleons don't make noises unless they hiss. It may be a reparatory infection. If you can see inside his mouth, do you see any excess mucus?

yes, they will do that sometimes!! i call it a "Pffff"! lol
ya chams are not really into beeing petted, its just stress to them..even my lovey chams dont like their bodies touched, beeing held is more than enough for them..:D
Don't pet it. The displeased huff is most likely from your petting it. They are not animals that you pet.
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