basking problem :/


hey i have noticed that the basking spot in my tank is kinda low with my new panther it is about 76 degrees where the branch is. i just went and got a 150 watt ceramic heater and it still only got up to about 77 is this ok for a basking spot the rest of the tank is around 65 to low 70's and so is my room. i take him outside and it is a little hotter somtimes but it has just been cold lately and i was thinking maybe he needs to be warmer. and what bulb or heating device i should use bcuz the ceramic one just isnt getting as hot as i thought it would.
thanx in advanced for any advice
basking spot

the brach that the heater is on is about 10 inches away on the top of the tank should i get it a little closer the only way it could get closer is to climb the screen upside down but he doesnt realy do that. maybe a new branch that gets closer and this one so he can have more choices?
I am using a standard 75w bulb and getting 85 degrees, are you sure your thermometers are working right?
Good to know man, you don't want it to get too hot in there. I use 2 thermos and 2 hydo meters.
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