basking temp question


New Member
Hey, I was just wondering the best way to find out the basking temp? Should I be putting the temp monitor on the actual basking spot location, or hanging on the side of the basking spot? Just feel that it would heat the monitor up give inaccurate readings? I am using the monitor that shows both the temp and humidity, each the highs and lows for the day.
I take readings starting from the closest spot the chameleon could physically get to, progressively outwards alog the basking branch.
Should give you an idea of how hot it is.
I have three exo terra digital thermometers in my viv. I have 2 in the basking spots, one of which is about 33degrees and the other one is around 29 degrees. I sit both of these thermometers directly under each basking lamp wrapped around the branch discreetly with the probe sticking out (then you can guarantee this is the hottest location in your viv). I put the remaining one in a cooler spot of the vivarium and aim for around 25-26 degrees.

If you manage to maintain this you will be fine.

So y'all don't think the actual monitor itself is getting hot? At first I had a zoo med one which was reading 120(thought was really wrong), and went to get the one mentioned above. It is reading about 93, but when I touch it the monitor itself feels hot. I mean I can adjust the temp, just don't want to and it end up being because the heating of the monitor.
If its a type that is going to heat up, and give you an innacurate read, I would place it indirectly in the area. Maybe underneath the basking branch?

What type of instrument are you using?
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