Glad to hear she is doing better. Like I said some chams really love water while others don't so giving her the opportunity to clean her eyes is important. it is good that you got the supplement that was missing.So after replacing my old supplement with the new supplement, ive fed all 3 chameleons 1 dubia roach (good size and gutloaded with repashi bug burger) dusted with this new reptivite supplement, rather than doing a large single feed. Reason I did it a couple days in a row (1 today and 1 yesterday) is the low quantity of insects fed during the initial feeding, I want to make sure they have sufficient levels of everything.
As of yesterday my panther has started perking up again, she drank her fill yesterday and happily ate another dusted roach today, both eyes open. Yesterday was kinda hit and miss, like the vitamin A was working but she kept closing her eye for a little while then she'd open it back up, as of today her eye is totally open and normal.
Also something notable from yesterday is when I handled her, she started rubbing that eye on my finger, and I kinda started rubbing against the eye lightly along with her, trying to work whatever she may have had stuck in there out of the eye. So it was maybe a combination of the two. She was seeming a little tired and like she didn't have a ton of energy while basking, I'm confident addressing these insufficient supplements that dont have any vitamin A at all, and replacing them with this reptivite supplement, has made a world of difference, even my veiled is seeming a bit more perky.
Obviously getting all the nutrients they need is quintessential to good health and long life, so I'm glad I noticed these signs super quickly, before the issue really could take root.
I still have a vet appointment for roodie today (my panther) and am planning on getting her checked out anyway, and at the very least getting fecals done.
I think all is well now, the eye closing seems to have dissipated, and I'll be resuming standard vitamin and supplement routines on the first sunday next month, will continue just giving calcium on the regular feedings.
Thanks again for all of the help and advice, this wouldn't have been possible without you all, I just wanted to give you an update on her status.