Bean beetles?


Established Member
I was curious if anyone has fed their veiled cham bean beetles before? My dart frogs love em and wanted to get some opinions.

Tried that with some baby some mixed results....The hardest part was keeping the beetles in a dish ..once they got out they went out the screen and into freedom!!!
My melleri loves them, but most of my other chams wont touch them. It's a bummer too since I now have 10+ overflowing cultures :eek:.
I feed them to my baby veileds. Most of them eat up as soon as I put them in the sound of their exoskeleton crunching :D
Black eyed peas , a rolled paper towel and heat. Oh and a couple weeks
What temps do you guys recommend? I just got my first cultures a few weeks ago and just split them up into new cups today.
What temps do you guys recommend? I just got my first cultures a few weeks ago and just split them up into new cups today.

Kent mine just say in the room with my chams. I would guess ambient temps to be about 70, as it was upstairs. I did find mine took several weeks to breed. I now have a million and that is a conservative estimate!!!!
Thanks, guys. I think I may try setting them on the light fixtures and see how that goes. I'd like to have a million of them sooner than later.
I sell them to my dart frog hobbiests. If you can find someone close to you, then that would be the best and cheapest.
About a week after a fresh culture is made, most of the bean beetles that you used to start the culture will die. It will seem as if the culture crashed, but in about 2-2 1/2 weeks you'll be able to see the beetles tunnels inside the beans. Then "Boom" you will have hundreds upon hundreds.
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