Because UVB hoods suck...


New Member
I cant get my uvb strip to cover all of my plants and my chameleon cannot bask and absorb calcium at the same time so is there anyway i can remove the hood or buy a hoodless fixture that i can just hang inside the cage??
no, you do not want to hang any lights inside the cage. The uvb does not have to cover everyplant. Mine is towards the back and only covers that area. They should not be subjected to UVB all the time. Do you have a basking light in addition to the UVB?
Add another uvb hood... Unfortunately with large enclosures that may be your only option. You could also purchase a mercury vapor bulb and suspend it high above your enclosure for basking and uvb (the uvb is effective up to six feet.) That will give you a much larger spread, and won't cost as much as another hood and bulb. Plus, those bulbs have a six month to one year warranty on them. I've only bought two in a year and a half. ;)
Make sure the mercury vapor is suspended high enough or you'll cook your cham.
I cant get my uvb strip to cover all of my plants and my chameleon cannot bask and absorb calcium at the same time so is there anyway i can remove the hood or buy a hoodless fixture that i can just hang inside the cage??

Could you post a pic of the setup?
A UVB light isnt going to do much for plants.
As stated adding a 6500k light(grow light) will help.
They will go under the UVB light when they need it. They dont need to bask all day and find mine will bask, go to the uvb, back to bask and so forth.

If you're worried about the plants do as mentioned and get a grow light.
There are modifications you can make to your hood cheap that will work well if there is room inside. I dont know howto do that cut and paste stuff but check my threads...... Find... Convert your hood to T5 HO It shows how I added 2 compact flouresent plant bulbs into my hood, besides making it T5 ;)
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