Bee Pollen for dusting/gutloading


New Member
Was just wondering if anyone has tried Bee Pollen for dusting/gutloading?

Pro's and cons if any?

I'm always interested in trying new things, and a website I get feeders from sells it. Just wanting to know more about it :)
I use it sometimes. Either as an ingredient in food for feeder insects, or it can be ground into powder in a coffee grinder and mixed with calcium and dusted on feeders themselves prior to being offered to a chameleon.

It's very nutritious stuff and there are published studies I've linked to here on the forums in years past that found that bees made up a very high percentage of wild chameleons' diet.
Good stuff~

if it doesn't need to be refrigerated then it has been dried and isn't as nutritious. Run it through a blender or food processor to turn the granules into a nice powder.
If your website is, you can buy Yen's Blend so you don't have to grind it to a powder...:D

Thank you for the responses! I'll definitely give it a go :)

And nope, I'm from Scotland. Kinda hard to find it here, but one website does it. Hope it's the nutritional kind!
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