beer drinkers...


as i seen a few of us take over the tail end of a thread i thought i'd just start one.

whats your favorite beer?

my all time fav is sierra nevada. and my other is anchor steam. they are both delicious and their seasonals are just too good. too bad they only come around a few times a year.
as i seen a few of us take over the tail end of a thread i thought i'd just start one.

whats your favorite beer?

my all time fav is sierra nevada. and my other is anchor steam. they are both delicious and their seasonals are just too good. too bad they only come around a few times a year.

I used to live a few blocks from the factory and would walk past it just about every day on my way to the grocery store and could smell the yeast. MMMMMMMM beer. I like Fat Tire at the moment my favourite Aussie beer is Coopers, It's kind of hard to find in the U.S. but some whole foods stores carry it. If any one finds it buy the red label, the green and yellow label just doesn't cut it in my books.
SN Pale Ale and Celebration Ale. Stone Arrogant Bastard, Imperial Stout, Smoked Porter. Guinness Pub. Mmmm, I can't wait until tomorrow night.
Guinness, Fat Tire, anything from New Belgium Brewing Co.

Now those are my favorites, but I tend to drink alot of Natty Light because it's cheeep. :eek:
I like the Flying Dog beers. Brewed in Denver and Frederick Maryland. Dont know where all they are distributed though. I drink mostly Miller Light now:eek: I can last much longer drinking those:rolleyes: Not much for porters or stouts though. I like the ales and I also like my beer like the Germans:cool: They have awesome labels and tons of styles and seasonal beers. MMMMMM mouth watering just thinking about some Tire Bite!
Unibrew maudite, Duck Rabbit milk stout, Terrapin rye pale ale, Red Oak..................the list could go on forever
Red Stripe -- that takes me back -- a long way, Pacifico too!
I like them light -- Harp, german/belgian pilseners, IPA's.

I grew up in Portland, so its microbrews. I had a Boont IPA last night. When its warm here ( above 65 ) I usually have Hefeweizen; when its cold, something heavier like an Anchor Steam ( local! ); when I'm in a bitter mood from a long day, I'll have a Black Butte Porter.

We've got a lot of great ones here in BC. I usually go for the honey browns, but there's nothing like a double pint of ice cold Hoegaarden in the summer at the Lennox Pub in Vancouver MMMMMMMMMMMMM. Those are always the most satisfying beers I ever have.

I usually try something new every time I drink beer, but I'd say some of my favs have been Newcastle, Guinness, I like the Japanese beers - Sapporo, Kirin Ichiban.., and some Australian beers were great, particularly Cascade from Tasmania. Granville Island microbrewery has some great stuff too.

Ah there's just so many beers to try in the world. You could probably try a new one every day of your life and be able to drink for 5 lifetimes.
Having one now!

I have a beer every night about 9:00. Tonight I'm having two since I'm spending a lot of time at the computer. I seem to like the imports the most. Grolsch, Steinlager, St. Pauli Girl and Heineken. I like Corona with salt and lime if I go to Cabo San Lucus or the Florida. The one time I went to the Daytona show I stayed up all night with friends drinking Coronas on the beach. Hope I can repeat that good time some year.

I do like the various USA ales from Blue Moon Brewing Co. (standards plus the seasonals) and I live an hour a way from Seattle. Lots of brew pubs there. My favorite is Pyramid. If I go there I will get samplers and try some of the stuff (darker ales) that I don't buy to keep in my fridge. We have some brew pubs in nearby Tacoma too. When I worked as a licensed CPA in Tacoma we had beer Fridays. We had lunch with beer someplace and then quit at 4:00pm and sat for an hour together having a beer and discussing our plans for the weekend (even if the weekend included working during the busy season). Don't worry, I'm not an alcoholic. More than two beers over a couple of hours and I'm toast. Unless I'm out of town....then I'm fun :eek:
I have a beer every night about 9:00. Tonight I'm having two since I'm spending a lot of time at the computer. I seem to like the imports the most. Grolsch, Steinlager, St. Pauli Girl and Heineken. I like Corona with salt and lime if I go to Cabo San Lucus or the Florida. The one time I went to the Daytona show I stayed up all night with friends drinking Coronas on the beach. Hope I can repeat that good time some year.

I do like the various USA ales from Blue Moon Brewing Co. (standards plus the seasonals) and I live an hour a way from Seattle. Lots of brew pubs there. My favorite is Pyramid. If I go there I will get samplers and try some of the stuff (darker ales) that I don't buy to keep in my fridge. We have some brew pubs in nearby Tacoma too. When I worked as a licensed CPA in Tacoma we had beer Fridays. We had lunch with beer someplace and then quit at 4:00pm and sat for an hour together having a beer and discussing our plans for the weekend (even if the weekend included working during the busy season). Don't worry, I'm not an alcoholic. More than two beers over a couple of hours and I'm toast. Unless I'm out of town....then I'm fun :eek:

When I was working up in Olympia my fav was Alaskan Amber. We dont have that around here. (St.Louis). Schlafly is a awesome beer in this area. Lots of seaonals. Im a big fan of Fat Tire and Blue Moon. When im looking to get tanked tho its good ole Heineken.
When I used to live in Denver, my favorite was a local micro brew called Tabernash. If I remember correctly, right before I moved back to CA, they sold out to another brewing company and must have F'ed up the recipe because it wasn't the same. It was probably renamed under the new owner's brand. It makes me cry because everyone I introduced it to loved it. Now my favorite is cold.
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