Before and after pics


Chameleon Enthusiast
Lima bean is now 6 months old :) I'm so happy he has grown so nicely so far. I just wish he was nicer lol.

Here he is now (I have him living outside)



and this is him at 2 months old


(sorry the first two pics are so bright!!)
Probably means less hissy or afriad? I think I get what he means. Nice cham mine is around the same 6months age:D
He looks like a lovely animal :D

Hope he is enjoying his outside enclosure

Make sure you hydrate him well, his eyes look a bit sunken...could be that he was afraid or something but i'd imagine they loose hymidity quicker out in the sun.
He looks like a lovely animal :D

Hope he is enjoying his outside enclosure

Make sure you hydrate him well, his eyes look a bit sunken...could be that he was afraid or something but i'd imagine they loose hymidity quicker out in the sun.

oh:( Ya I would give him a shower or mist more :)
Thanks everyone, his eyes are'nt sunken in he pooped today and his urates are very white. I have him in a shaded area and took him out of his cage so I could get a pic of him.. thanks
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