Behavior from spraying


I have 2 panthers, 2 oustalets, 2 rudis and 1 deremensis
and they all hate to be sprayed!
I leave a bottle with room temp H2O and spray them all daily, but they all stress easily and run away.
If I drip water from the dripper, the oustalets tolerate it sometimes, but the others wiggle, especially the rudis.
I used to shower them in the tub, but I found it too stressful and a waste of water.
Do all of your chams react this way? Remember that it is warm water, not ice cold.
When we have one that hates the misting process we heat our water up to hot, when sprayed out it has cooled enough to actually be a warm spray. Also we found that when hand misting if we mist straight up at the top of the enclosure after a min or so they see the drops coming down from the ceiling area and calm and start drinking. After that we can normally mist the entirety of the enclosure.

Hope this helps

Gpmo (him)
I got one of the pump sprayers from home depot for $7 that I use to shower the cage from above the top screen. I make sure the water is warm. My panther does not seem as bothered by it, infact he walks into the spray and lets water drip on him. When I used a spray bottle he would see it coming and go the other way.
Jolly loves to be sprayed, Swyft runs from it.

I just avoid the exact spot where Swyft is sitting and spray the rest of the cage and plants.

Oops to hot water, I wasn't using hot or warm water just filling the mister jug in the morning and having it in their room by the cages. Thanks.
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