Being a vet is hard sometimes...


Staff member
I have had a run of very busy days with depressing cases lately and it's really got me down right now. :( The last few shifts I've been running all day between new patients and critical patients that have been here several days. Forget lunch, I'm lucky to even get a drink of water on days like those. I work ER so being busy is expected and I enjoy it (that's why I'm here) but the last two shifts I've stayed 5 whole hours after my shift trying to get everything done - either paperwork or laceration repairs (which I love). My shifts are already 10-12 hours long usually so by the time I get home on days like that my whole body hurts. And I've had multiple critical patients where despite all my efforts, the efforts of the specialists, and the best treatments they end up crashing anyway because they're just too sick. My last one died on the table right before we could start surgery to save it. And I've had some people decide to euthanize when I could have saved their animal if they'd let me. The worst one of all is a dog that I diagnosed with a disease that was completely manageable but because the owner was going through a lot at home (mom dying, single mom with 3 kids, etc) I offered to keep her dog overnight so she had one less thing to worry about because the dog needed a bucket of medications and special feedings. Well, I went home that night like I was supposed to and the technician wasn't paying attention and let the dog out of her sight and the dog went into the food room and gorged herself on food to the point of making herself very, very sick. So sick that it was just too much for the owner so she euthanized her. It was a completely inexcusable mistake and I feel absolutely awful for the owner when I told her we would take care of her dog for her. I cried about it a lot when I found out what happened even though no part of that situation was my fault at all. And then with these late days lately I'm just exhausted...and I'm working overnight tonight (14 hours shift) and already had an owner yell at me that his dog was surely dying when there was absolutely nothing wrong with it, and I had tests to prove it.

I just needed to vent a little. I'm just exhausted because I care too much for my patients to watch them do poorly and working 16-18 hours shifts is just too tiring. Sometimes I need those cute puppies to snuggle with! Don't see a lot of those on ER though, which I guess is a good thing. One day at a time sometimes...
Dayna you are a wonderful caring person! And I'm sure that's why you feel so crappy when things go bad. It must be so difficult loving animals the way you do and trying not to get emotionally attached to your patients! Any case, I wish I had a vet like you around here :)
You wouldn't be so good at your job if you didnt care so much about the animals, it's hard at times I work directly with a funeral directors so I see alot of bad sights to but just Cary on doing the best you can, you Carnt do more than that
well i absolutely hope you vent here anytime you need to.
i can imagine how hard it is for a person that is passionate
about animals to have to make some of these decisions.
i was a paramedic in the 70's and early 80's and
only stopped because i just couldn't deal with the heartbreaking cases.

good wishes to you
You are getting so tired, and the things you a seeing are so taxing. Please be really careful driving and doing anything after work that requires your attention. You are such a good, caring, dedicated vet. So few vets have the real love you have for all creatures. We need you in the world, take extra special care of you, as well as you do your patients.
I have folks tell me all the time that it takes a special person to do what I do, I shrug it off as I feel like it is like that for most jobs :). I said that only to say that you have a job that not many folks can do, I know I sure couldn't do it, heck i worry to death and lose sleep when one of my dogs even looks sick and could not imagine the stress i would feel working with other folks pets that are sick. So take time to pat yourself on the back, you do good work and it is easy to tell you are passionate about it and the animals you treat. Passion for what we do gets us through even the most frustrating times! As Laurie said, take care of yourself too and at the end of the day know you did the very best you could and the world needs more vets like you!
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One day at a time? Ok, but which day do you get to rest?

Dayna, you are awesome but if you need sleep then everything gets much harder to take.......... If you have a choice at all I prescribe some nice relaxing pampering of whatever kind you like :)
I think your title is wrong... Being a vet is hard ALL the time. If you're really good at what you do it may seem easy :). It takes a special person to do what you do, and many of us probably wish we could. Most of us couldn't. Working with mostly emergency cases shows the toughest times for an animal and their owner, and that can bring you down once in a while. I prescribe a visit to a room filled with puppies or kittens (or both if you really want to overdose :D) at least once a week! This should help remind you of all the important things and help you through those especially tough days and nights when you need to recharge. Hang in there and get a little sleep! ;)
Dayna, you are a great vet and I would be so greatful to have you be my pups and chams vet if I could. I agree, being a vet is hard all the time especially when you are as caring as you are.

You need to take care of yourself though too. You can't take care of anyone else if your dragging and exhausted. When do you ever get to rest?

You are an amazing vet, and I'm sorry you've had a rough run lately :( <3
Thanks everyone! It really means a lot to just have some extra support! And you are all so nice. :) Luckily one of the perks of ER work is even though the shifts are long it's only 3 or 4 days a week, so I do get well needed rest usually. But it's not enough sometimes because I've spent the last 3 days just miserable about my patients (especially that one dog). The emotional drain is harder to replenish than sleep unfortunately. The other morning I was checking my dog, as usual, and thought her cancer had come back for a minute and almost completely lost it. Luckily it was a false alarm! I just had to calm down a little and re-evaluate her.

One of my techs got some kittens recently so on the bad days I always ask if she can bring in her healthy kittens so I can get my fix! :D It's days like these that I really enjoy cage cleaning and bug maintenance with the chams and my other critters because it's nice and distracting.

Edit: Before I could finish typing this I had another case come in (I just have another hour to go on this shift) from one of those terrible situations where the house has to be condemned it's so disgusting like you see on Animal Cops. Poor little dog was so skinny, dehydrated, and had feces caked into his hair, and just terrified of everything. And I know he's going to euthanized in 10 days after he sits at the shelter because no one would ever adopt him but he wasn't in bad enough condition for me to recommend euthanasia right now. Yeah...real uplifter huh?
The emotional drain is harder to replenish than sleep unfortunately. ..... It's days like these that I really enjoy cage cleaning and bug maintenance with the chams and my other critters because it's nice and distracting.

Yeah, this is what we like! As I was saying at college just yesterday.....time really flies when you're shovelling up shit :rolleyes::D

Edit, just saw your edit. Damn. I hope you have a better week next :)
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I don't think I could do your job, it takes a special person to do that, and the animal world is much better off because of people like you....vent all you want, we have no reason to deny that to you...keep up the great work you do, I for one appreciate it very much!
It is easy to see why you do what you do!!! We all would be very fortunate to have a vet like you!!!!! Thank You
All I can say is that I couldn't do what you do, and thank you for doing it. I can't even begin to imagine or calculate the positive impact you have had on people's and pet's lives, at the expense of a heavy emotional toll.

I will remember this thread next time my job gets me stressed and I need a little perspective! :D
Thinking of you

Like you I worked in a human ER though. The only thing that bothered me were traumas that had kids involved and true accidents which involved adults. Other adult trauma not so much because MOST of the time they were doing stupid crap that put them in the situation. I truly know it is hard to separate yourself from work. But coming here and talking to us will definitely help. We are always here!!!

PS you are awesome and have the BEST patients to look after.
Maybe a little time off to recharge is in order ?? Not long , maybe a weeks vacation or a 4 day weekend . Between the hours and the emotional wear and tear , you may make yourself sick . You need to take care of yourself , too .
Dayna, I don't know how you do it but I am certainly glad that there are people out there like you that can. You and other truly caring vets have my upmost respect.
what you do is amazingly hard, and on some days I know it has to be even harder, I see first hand the stress of being a vet, I have a friend who is a vet- and also runs a sanctuary for "medically challenged" dogs and cats - they are the "throw away pets" people do not want- the 3 legged dog, the cat with one eye- I am sure you have seen them there too- I go once a week and do what ever I can to help out there - right now I am helping build a new cat room - today is my day to go, but I am sick , and she wont let me come- lol but my point is, PLEASE take time for yourself - I know that is easier said then done- you are so SO kind for all you do , and then to add the extra time you put on here to help the chams - you are just the best !! and we all admire you for such dedication

it is very sad about the little dog, I see that too working with the H/S - but you would be surprised how many ppl only need to here the story behind them, and are willing to take the "underdogs",I pray the same for that little guy :)

when my friend gets to stressed out- I kidnap her on Thursdays nights( her only day off) and take her for margaritas - don't make us come and get you - ;)
I honestly don 't know how you manage to do the job you do...I can't even watch the Sarah McLachlan commercials on tv without crying! If it weren't for people like you willing to do the job we can't, our furry little friends wouldn't have a fighting chance. For that, I thank you! We can all appreciate what you sacrifice emotionally to ensure our creatures are healthy and happy!

My two dogs Dana and Buddy, my four cats Sneakers, Ty-Grrr, Dash and Magnum, my daughters bunny Oswald and my two chameleons Camo and Isis just said a little prayer of thanks and strength to you during this stressful period! They (and I) think you ROCK!! :D
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