Being Black


Established Member
My veiled chameleon, Walter, has been spending alot of time walking around the cage very dark brown. He sometimes basks with this coloration, leading me to believe he might be cold. If that is the fact how could I remedy that?

I will fill out the ask for help form later.
if he is in fact too cold, increase the temp. (higher wattage basking bulb or move fixture closer etc)

now someone fetch my slippers and pipe!

anyway, that's probably the most intelligent answer you can get w/o providing the information contained in the help form like basking temps, etc.:cool:
Basking Temps are 80-82ish F
Ambient is about 72.
The basking light is already on top of the cage, and is 60 watt. Should I got to a higher wattage?
my chameleon does this alot too, im not sure y either, he rarely is his normal light colors, i know it aint cause he's cold, cause his basketin spot is bout 3 or 4 inches from a 60 watt bulb. soo he seems to be doin fine, but he does tend to wonder around on the bottom often too
my chameleon does this alot too, im not sure y either, he rarely is his normal light colors, i know it aint cause he's cold, cause his basketin spot is bout 3 or 4 inches from a 60 watt bulb. soo he seems to be doin fine, but he does tend to wonder around on the bottom often too

I know wandering around the bottom is bad... Mine hasn't been doing that.
im not sure if its actually wonderin around, but he like climbs from top to bottom all the time, idk if its for exercise or what
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