Ben Siegel Reptiles


New Member
I like to shop there, they take decent care of their animals and Brian is an awesome person to talk to when I am there. Ben how ever is a butt munch..... recently at underground reptiles i had several boxes undercounted their supplier had a new employee that misslabled 500 count boxes as 1000 count so now where ever i get crix i count if it looks off. anyone who gets boxes of 1000 regularly knows what they look like in their cricket bin. ryan was greatful that i took the time to count as a business person he understands that he too was loosing money and a large staple food for most of his animals. well lastnight my box lookes off so i preceded to count it was off by 324.... ben made a big deal about it because once before last summer i receaved a box that wasnt sealed and there were like 300 crix in it hey it happens...... well im packing up my crix and ben is giving me a refund because he just doesnt get it that his cricket boxes could be if anyone gets a box of 1/2s count them...i would like to thank them for finally geting hornworms in my panthers love them........
Weird I always wonder how many crickets are actually in my boxes. I order 10,000 at a time from Ghanns and the boxes look like they have way more than labled. However, unlike you I could never take the time to count all the crickets, that is pretty amazing. :) Nice of him to refund you, that is good to hear.
Yeah, Ben finally got in some horns! All my chams are happy. Ben Siegels is probably the best reptile shop in Deerfield, they take awesome care of their animals, and will educate their buyers before rushing them into buying.
Weird I always wonder how many crickets are actually in my boxes. I order 10,000 at a time from Ghanns and the boxes look like they have way more than labled. However, unlike you I could never take the time to count all the crickets, that is pretty amazing. :) Nice of him to refund you, that is good to hear.

I also order from Ghanns and will put my money (I do) on getting what I pay for. I am glad to hear someone has a good pet store , kudo's for Ben Siegel.
Ben Siegels is a really lovely store. The have nice reasonable prices. I can get 100 quarters for $4 and Underground charged me 100 for $10. I only go to Ben Siegels now. Do you 2(danny and courtney) know if they will always have hornworms?
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