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I do 6-6 but live in MA and it’s typically sun down by 6. Summer will likely do 7-7I know the standard light schedule is 12 on/12off, but more specifically I'm curious WHICH 12 hours everyone keeps their lights on. I've seen recommended schedules of 7a-7p, but was wondering if anyone is doing 8a-8p or even 9a-9p or later? The selfish kid in me wants to go 9a-9p so I get the longest benefit possible of watching my cham for a while at night, but the responsible pet owner in me knows I should think of my pet first. So especially with the cage being within proximity of windows where the morning light will come in before I even turn on lights, I fear a 9-9 schedule is squeaking in more daylight to his world than there should be. What would be a recommended 12 hr schedule in this situation?