Secondly, NEVER take youtube videos as examples of how to keep animals (especially reptiles) cause you can find anything on there and what you see it's very often the wrong thing to do when dealing with reptiles!!!
P.s in the video you linked the cham freezes as the person approach and that's a fear reaction, then when he realizes he has been spotted he just heads for the closes thing up he could find, which is something chams do even if the closest thing they find is your finger. they will climb on your finger up to ur arm and possibly reach the top of your head, not because they love you but because it's the highest point they could reach and they feel safe there.
How can you assume that seriously LOL. Fear really, I highly doubt that . If anything the chameleon probably wants to come out of caged environment if your are to assume by watching the video. Regardless my WC male panther is as friendly as a lizard can be. Comes right out don't matter if my hand is across the cage and I'm 6 feet lower than him. He's only one out of many reptiles I do have. My male panthers are the only ones If I wanted I could take out regularly with out a issue or struggle or sign of stress. I don't think you can tame a chameleon but you can learn to understand what they don't mind and can tolerate. Also when you are able to handle them if you its possible they will let you know.
Most of my chameleons don't even like me looking in their direction