best feeders and where to buy them?


i have an adult male veiled chameleon and he’s currently eating 5 crickets and 2 superworms every other day. id like to know what you guys recommend as the very best feeders for a chameleon of his age (3yrs) and species, and where i can get them in rather small quantities, as he only eats 7 bugs every other day.
so what i want to know is:
what are up to 5 of the best kinds of feeders that i can feed him on his regular schedule
where to get them for a good price, and relatively small quantities (probably about 20-40 of each bug)
and ones that will last long enough for me to feed them off, or if he can or should eat the adult versions of the larvae
Check local feeder insect businesses and exotic reptile shops, too!
we only have one local pet store (they’re really good) but their dubias and hornworms are $2.99 each! and i don’t think there’s a bulk discount like they have on most of their other insects
i have petsmart, petco, and pet supplies plus in my area and they pretty much only have crickets and mealworms with the occasional other bug here and there but i don’t really like to support petsmart or petco anyways
we only have one local pet store (they’re really good) but their dubias and hornworms are $2.99 each! and i don’t think there’s a bulk discount like they have on most of their other insects
i have petsmart, petco, and pet supplies plus in my area and they pretty much only have crickets and mealworms with the occasional other bug here and there but i don’t really like to support petsmart or petco anyways
Then online is the place to buy
My absolute favorite feeder is black soldier flies. I buy them by tye thousand and they keep in a wine fridge ($60) for at least 6 months (running exoeriment). I feed mine as adult flies. The chams love it. They are cheap, easy and high quality. and they dont need dusted. Im told they can cause constipation if you feed too many.

I only used silk worms once but they are supposed to be fantastic. I know a breeder that uses at least 50% silkies.

i buy feeders from rainbow mealworms. Their 250 count crickets are $4 or $4.50 so thats the only time i feed crickets. Their shipping is actually cheaper when you order more. I think the discount was $20 or $30. I removed something from my cart and the order actually cost more. I dont buy bugs often because I breed 5 bug species my self and buy my bsfl by the thousand.
Silkworms have become hard to find for me. I would love to try them again but finnaly my Cham is actually eating supers so I might not need them if they are that hard to get.
do you think this is a good combo pack for him? a good price? (11¢ per bug, 270 bugs total) are these bugs hard to take care of? will i have to feed them something other than fresh fruits/veggies? will they last long enough to feed them off? i have so many questions but i just want to get everything right haha


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do you think this is a good combo pack for him? a good price? (11¢ per bug, 270 bugs total) are these bugs hard to take care of? will i have to feed them something other than fresh fruits/veggies? will they last long enough to feed them off? i have so many questions but i just want to get everything right haha
The hornworms will come with their own diet, but I would buy more of it from there just in case they eat it all before you feed them all off
do you think this is a good combo pack for him? a good price? (11¢ per bug, 270 bugs total) are these bugs hard to take care of? will i have to feed them something other than fresh fruits/veggies? will they last long enough to feed them off? i have so many questions but i just want to get everything right haha
I don't feed wax worms unless I need to add weight to a skinny cham. They are very fatty. I think horn worms are over rated. they are mostly water. They are good for a cham that is on hunger strike and are good for a dehydrated cham but other than that, they are expensive sacks of water.
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