Best food for chameleon food?


New Member
Hi, can someone tell me what they feed their feeders, i just began to grow a population of Madagascar hissing cockroach, and i do not want to feed them junk, like dog food or such, because as you may all know, your chameleon eats what ever your feeders eat. So again, what would any of you recommend to me what i should feed my roaches?
- thank you for your time and answers.
oh i just started the same thing! Feeding oats, cheerios, wheatgerm, beepollen, spirulina(good protein) and some chicken feed all crushed mixed together! I also have a dish if those Flukers orange cubes. anyone think of anything else cause id like to know as well!
Hi, can someone tell me what they feed their feeders, i just began to grow a population of Madagascar hissing cockroach, and i do not want to feed them junk, like dog food or such, because as you may all know, your chameleon eats what ever your feeders eat. So again, what would any of you recommend to me what i should feed my roaches?
- thank you for your time and answers.
Good options include alfalfa, dandelion, arugula, carrot, papaya, butternut squash, spirulina, grape vine leaves, etc.
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oh i just started the same thing! Feeding oats, cheerios, wheatgerm, beepollen, spirulina(good protein) and some chicken feed all crushed mixed together! I also have a dish if those Flukers orange cubes. anyone think of anything else cause id like to know as well!
Limit the use of things like oats, cheerios, whatgerms, chicken feed and those horrible Flukers cubes. These are NOT ideal gutload foods.
I feed my colony fresh fruits and vegetables. I pass a "halfway house" on my way to work and they put out donations of food that they can't use for the neighborhood folk to pick up. Today I picked up 2 bags of spinach, a bell pepper, and 2 packages of alfalfa/clover sprouts. Last week they had packaged salad with dressing and a package of dried cranberries and pumpkin seed as a salad topper. I also have an orange tree in my backyard that provides me with organic oranges. I have never provided any water source other than what's in the fruits and vegetables. Just think healthy.:D
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