Best food for fattening up a chameleon?


New Member
Being very fluent with reptiles, I've adopted a male veiled chameleon that was unsuitable houses and had some past health issues, including some mbd issues. I've got him in a proper enclosure with good UVB lighting and a good dirt. But... For his size (I'm guessing he's about a year), he seems thin and wiry. What's the best fattening foods I can give him? I feed him crickets, super worms, and waxworns now. He's a bit shy, so I never really see him eat, but I catch him targeting the food bowl and the prey items are gone. Any ideas?

First off, you should get rid of the dirt. It will only cause problems. It is recommended to go with a bare bottom. Can you post pictures of your cage and chameleon?

Butter worms and hornworms are good for adding a little weight but your best bet is offering a wide variety of well gutloaded feeders.
Ha! Dirt was my dumb phone autocorrecting for "light".

I forgot roads I have a Dubia colony en route. I gutless everything and dust, but I'm not sure how long the dust lasts being he's a shy eater
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