Best gut-load


New Member
hi, i wanted to know what everyone thought was the best gut-load for 1/4" crickets :) right now im using a slice of potato and a mix of fresh greens
The more cham-nutritious fruits and veggies you can offer, the better the gutload IMO. Right now I use a mix of diced sweet potatoes, carrots, apples and oranges.
I think its worth noting that white button mushrooms are one of the few whole foods i've found that crickets eat that contain vitamin D3, I liked to feed them for supplement purposes when i kept crickets.
CHAMaDdIcT said..."do you have to supply vitamin A if you have a UVB light?"...UVB has to do with vitamin D3 not vitamin A. However, excess prEformed vitamin A can prevent the D3 from doing its job and push the chameleon towards its important to have a balance.

For gutloading crickets, roaches, superworms, etc. you can use greens (dandelions, collards, kale, endive, escarole, mustard greens, etc.) and veggies (carrots, squash, sweet potato, sweet red pepper, celery leaves, zucchini, etc.).

Frock..."I think its worth noting that white button mushrooms are one of the few whole foods i've found that crickets eat that contain vitamin D3, I liked to feed them for supplement purposes when i kept crickets."...from this site...
"Mushrooms contain a compound called ergosterol that gets converted to vitamin D when exposed to UVB light"..."it would take a long time"

One more article...
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thanx a lot :D i just found out that ive been feeding him too much of my supplement which contains preformed vitamin A :eek: so im gonna get new supplement without vitamin A and supply beta carotene through carrots, red peppers, etc. is that OK?
I agree with kinyonga.

In addition to the Adcham link dodolah provided above
You may find this blog entry concerning gutloading useful:
and this:

I personally do not use preformed vitamin A, but I do have a very wide selection of prey insects and gutload well. While I dont do it, Many keepers do feel offering some preformed vitamin A through supplements is important. In my opinion, you cant go wrong offering very small quantities of pre-formed vitamin A (preferrably indirectly, via your gutloaded insects) a few times a year, just in case.

Links to lots of good info on supplements (including some threads where the need for preformed A is discussed) from here:
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thanks sandra (is it ok if i call you that? because sandrachameleon is kinda long :)) i love all your blogs and have them bookmarked :D if you put all your blogs together you could publish a Chameleon Bible lol :D
Youre welcome, and yes certainly call me Sandra.
I also respond well to "She Who Must Be Obeyed" and "Lovely Lady" LOL :D
Im glad you find the blog entries useful. Feel free to rate them accordingly. :)
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