Best lighting options


New Member
I am going to purchase 2 DIY cages 24x24x48 for my baby veiled chameleons. I am needing recommendations for lighting. I want to do this once, do this right, and be done with it. There is so much info out there I'd keep it simple for me and just ask. Basking/uvb/reg light. Would there be 3 lights going or can any "multi-task"? Tubes or bulbs? 5.0 or 10.0? Size? Can I use a regular fluorescent fixture from, say, Home Depot or do they need to be "specialized"? I want to get these babies set up in permanent housing ASAP. They are very small and is this cage possibly too big for a baby veiled? I guess there's no such thing as too much room, right? I'm going to Home Depot tomorrow and ordering the cages tonight. Any "shopping lists" for a first time chameleon owner at Home Depot? I'm mainly going to look at plants and lighting fixtures. So any plant suggestions for the cage size I'm getting would be good, too. Sorry for the book, but from how much I've been reading lately, not so much. lol Thanks for your help. Here's a photo of my babies.
Hey well first of all that is too big of cage for any baby chameleon. It will be perfect once they get older but you want to start with a smaller cage for your baby chameleon that way,you can monitor him or her and make sure they can catch their food. You want to have a 5.0 UVB bulb & a basking UVA Bulb. No Red bulb! Chameleons want to sleep in complete darkness no night light required.
This size is going to have to work now. I'm thinking I can elevate the substrate tray higher lessening the living space. As their sizes increases I can lower the substrate tray accordingly for more room. Is this a possibility or am I dreaming up something "un-doable"?
I would go for a Heat bulb ( as said above not red) and the the arcadia T5 D3+ bulb from light your reptiles. They require a T5 fitting but are the best uv light out there. If you want to stick with T8 bulbs get a 10.0 as this will penetrate deeper into the cage. And because you will have it ton top of the screen alot will be cut off. This way to can have a 48 inch bulb over both cages if they are next to eachother.
I got creative and turned one of the 2x2x4 cages into 2 by turning it on it's side. I still have the other cage boxed until it's time to expand. I have got glued screen to the "bottom" which is now the left side. I used both substrate trays and used the bottom acrylic as the divider. I need to get more branches for them, but they seem to get around fine for now. I repotted 2 small pothos and umbrella plants and figure they will grow with the chameleons.The light is a 48" 5.0 repti-sun and a regular 6500k fluorescent with a 65 watt basking light. When it's time to expand I will just turn the one cage upright, assemble the other and use the same lighting. I knew I would work it out somehow.:D Does it seem like a good set-up?

AND REMEMBER....I AM aware they need more traveling routes(sticks and vines) but what would be good options?
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