Best place to purchase a juvenile jacksons chameleon?


I just spoke on the phone with LLLreptiles which is where I had planned on purchasing a jacksons chameleon from and sadly they just ran out of stock. I was wondering if you guys on the forum new any good online stores that I could purchase one from (preferably well started baby or juvenile). Thanks!
You do not want to get one younger then 4months or your asking for heartache. You want to go through a real breeder. Then they can help you as well by insuring you got all the correct husbandry info.
Yeah but where do I buy them?
Is this your first chameleon? They have more specific care requirements. We had a member that had some babies. But they are not ready for homes yet. I will try to remember who and get back to you.
Is this your first chameleon? They have more specific care requirements. We had a member that had some babies. But they are not ready for homes yet. I will try to remember who and get back to you.
No I previously had a veiled chameleon. I also have been doing research on the care of them such as the temp drop they need at night.
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