Best substrate for Yemen/Veiled Chameleon?

In my first terrarium I had river sand (it's oval so if it gets into chameleon with food, it desn't do any damage). But cleaning of the enclosure was terrible.
When building a new enclosure I found a plastic sheet used for garden ponds as big as the bottom of the enclosure, so I have this one. And I must say it's good- it can be kept clean easily..
I use none. I just spot clean as needed, and blast the whole bottom of the cage with steam every now and then to sterilize it.

If you absolutely can't do without substrates, a few have had success with sphagnum moss.
I use no substrate, beyond papertowels in the favourite "poop" corner. Substrates can harbour bacteria, insects, crap...

That said, coco fiber is a popular choice among those who do use a substrate.
nothing I clean their ground poops right when I throw crickets and good cleaning once a week:D...
He or she meant that , that was their choice Writh :)
I use nothing at all and also daily spot clean and sterilise with boiling water (homer likes the breif steam sessions). Major vine/cage cleaning every weekend.
No substrate (no concern of ingestion/impaction) is much easier from my pov :)

I use fir bark which is a prepacked reptile substrate the brand is zoo med! It looks really good, it smells quite good too but it attracted little tiny insects that live in it (the pet shop said this is nothing to worry about as long as they are not on the chameleon) It also makes it easier for crickets to hide in :mad: It's quite easy to clean regarding chameleon poo! It also holds water which we have found does wonders for the humidity :) My chameleon also seems to enjoy digging in it.

I feed my chameleon from a plastic tub so there is no trouble with her eating bits when she feeds.

Hope this helps but personally I think the substrate is for making the terrarium look nicer or more natural as veiled chams seem to spend most time up on the vines or in the leaves!! :D
I use compost covered with moss. You need to see my enclosure to understand it! :D

Nothing is generally the best.
Best substrate: organic soil or coco fibre .. make sure there are no clumps and comb through the substrate every so often

I use it with much success and many others have/do as well.

If you notice your cham eats it, take it out and see a vet. It may mean subsequent issues with your chams health.
im using pebbles, they look quite nice easy to take out and clean, water runs right off into drainage..


atb john

I use fir bark which is a prepacked reptile substrate the brand is zoo med! It looks really good, it smells quite good too but it attracted little tiny insects that live in it (the pet shop said this is nothing to worry about as long as they are not on the chameleon) It also makes it easier for crickets to hide in :mad: It's quite easy to clean regarding chameleon poo! It also holds water which we have found does wonders for the humidity :) My chameleon also seems to enjoy digging in it.

I feed my chameleon from a plastic tub so there is no trouble with her eating bits when she feeds.

Hope this helps but personally I think the substrate is for making the terrarium look nicer or more natural as veiled chams seem to spend most time up on the vines or in the leaves!! :D
I want to use the bark substrate for my Cham enclosure but i’ve Heard that is he eats it he can get sick but I feed my Cham in a plastic container. The other thing is that i’ve Heard is that creates bacteria. Is there a way to use the substrate w/o causing any damange to my Cham? What if I clean the substrate every 3 days. Or make it bio active w those little animals things that form a ball when you touch them? (Idk it’s name)
I want to use the bark substrate for my Cham enclosure but i’ve Heard that is he eats it he can get sick but I feed my Cham in a plastic container. The other thing is that i’ve Heard is that creates bacteria. Is there a way to use the substrate w/o causing any damange to my Cham? What if I clean the substrate every 3 days. Or make it bio active w those little animals things that form a ball when you touch them? (Idk it’s name)

It is better not to use substrate. The fir bark yoshi is talking about actually sounds rather dangerous to me if it holds water!! That is super bad and will just become a breeding ground for bacteria which may very well harm, your chameleon. While substrate looks really nice, you have to ask yourself: Is the aesthetic benefit more important than your chameleon's health? I have never used substrate and never intend to
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