How often should you clean your cage from water, poop, etc?
what is the best substrate to use (i have glass bottom so it overfloods with water)?
What is the easiest way to clean?
You should always clean water and poop every day. If you dont, bacteria will breed quickly. Plus it's just gross and would you want poop in your livingroom? As far as substrate goes there should be no substrate. Your cham might accidently eat some while feeding and it could cause impaction or other problems. Its also just more stuff to cause bacteria having wet substrate. I have a screen cage though so I couldn't tell you the best way to clean it out. I would think paper towels though. That's what I use.
As LindsayG says, chameleons don't need substrate and can in rare cases swallow it. If you want a bioactive terrarium I would recommend you to read this article on the subject
As substrate you should not get anything like sand or tree bark. Buy plantation soil for terrariums and do cover it up. I use moss in big pieces so there is no chance my cham can swallow either soil or moss. When you have substrate you might want to build a way to drain water from your enclosure in case the water should build up in the drainage layer (read the article for ref) and that can cause mold etc. I have seen some ppl rebuild the bottom of their terrariums so the water can get out of there. Myself I have a pipe formation in the corner of my enclosure which goes down to the very bottom of the terrarium so if there would be a buildup of water I could easily drain it like an aquarium. All this might seem complicated and you might as well go witout substrate just of the easier way to clean etc. Its up to you. And yes again as LindsayG says, you should clean out the feces as soon you spot it.
Good luck!
Everyday cleaning, sometimes multiple times.
No substrate, but if it is a must: I suggest reading the european threads where it is popular. You may get some better expertise there. There are a few threads here, but not many on substrate.
I spot clean leaves for poop when I see it, wipe the bottom daily to get rid of excess water, poop, dead bugs, leaves, calcium outlines from fallen crickets, etc etc. The enclosure drains well and into the plants for the most part so I don't have a swamp issue going on at the bottom. I also don't use substrate so its easy to wipe clean. If the tank does end up soaked I use a towel after misting to collect the puddles at the bottom.
I do a more thorough cleaning once a week, ill go through the plants and really inspect the leaves... mind you its a tiny little veiled in a huge enclosure so she barely messes the place up even after a week.
Monthly or when it needs it ill take everything out and give it a good washing, clean the screen of the enclosure for calcium deposits, all that stuff.