Best way to fix a tear in screen cage?

Use a hot glue gun,simply apply the glue to the tear,let cool and feel for any sharp points. If any sharpe points,push flat,re apply hot glue and re check until no more sharpe points are present.

The other option is to replace the entire section of screen.
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the above idea is much better but a friend of mine just sewed up the tear with some black cotton for a temp fix till they could get a new screen panel.:)
her tear was on the back tho so not a visual as yours being on the front.
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My local True Value hardware store does screen replacement on window screens. Take the panel off and take it to a hardware store and see if they can help.

If you cut a screen square out to patch the tear, then you can pull a few strands of wire off the edge of each side, leaving a "frayed" edge on all sides. Bend these edges at a right angle to the patch. Press the patch to the inside wall of the cage, frayed tips pressing through the wall to the outside. Take a finger and flatten the frayed tips towards the center of the patch to hold it in place.

That is how I patch aluminum screen- it's pretty quick and easy and I got the idea from patch kits sold at home depot which were just the frayed edge squares of screen.

For reptariums, I used to use medium gauge fishing line and a curved needle and actually sew aluminum screen to the cages. Most of my reptariums were heavily patched.

I like the hot glue idea- I hadn't thought of that, but I use hot glue to make screen lids for tubs for temporarily housing lizards that are acclimating and I've been really impressed how strong it can be when generously applied...
I have about a 4 inch tear in the front of my screen cage :(
Whats the best way to fix this?
I like the hot glue idea for small holes in a screen cage, say 1/2" or less, but yours is 4"
I think they make a new kind of screen patch kit, I saw on Sharktank that looked interesting. Here's the URL Looks like it works very well, but haven't tried it yet. Basically cut to fit and heat with a blow-dryer
Also I had large hole in the top of a cage from me trying to hang a plant (fail) so I just took the top off and got a cheap re-screening tool you know like you would use to put screen in a window. Cut the new screen about 2" too big and used that tool to push the rubber caulk/gasket back into the channel. It took about a 1/2 hour and it looked new again. Cost me about $10.00 between the tool and more screening material. Hope this helps.
If appearance is important, I really like CarlC's idea best. Either re-spline and re-screen the whole side (not hard to do- but will have to buy screen, spline and a splining tool) or take it to your local hardware and have them do it for you.
I'm really kinda cheap so what I did when the hole ripped in the lid of one of my colonies tanks, I sewed felt onto both sides. No prickly pieces. Hole fixed. Like $1. I don't exactly care about appearance.
Black dyed kevlar thread and a needle. Done correctly the repair is nearly invisible. I've found it easier to just re screen that panel though. Just takes a few minutes.
I saw that episode on Shark Tank! :D It isn't selling instores yet?

Thanks for all the great ideas! Not sure what I'm going to do about it yet. I'm really bad with glue guns.. My cricket cage and dubia cage prove it. It would be all over my cage in the end.

What about sticking a big piece of Velcro to both sides of the hole?

I might just try to put some threading through it.

When I open the cage door my arm gets stuck the hole. I'm waiting for my whole arm to just go through it. It isn't a safety hazard for the chameleon with the hole being there, is it?
I like the hot glue idea for small holes in a screen cage, say 1/2" or less, but yours is 4"
I think they make a new kind of screen patch kit, I saw on Sharktank that looked interesting. Here's the URL Looks like it works very well, but haven't tried it yet. Basically cut to fit and heat with a blow-dryer
Also I had large hole in the top of a cage from me trying to hang a plant (fail) so I just took the top off and got a cheap re-screening tool you know like you would use to put screen in a window. Cut the new screen about 2" too big and used that tool to push the rubber caulk/gasket back into the channel. It took about a 1/2 hour and it looked new again. Cost me about $10.00 between the tool and more screening material. Hope this helps.
Oh my that looks amazing!
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