Best way to keep crickets?


Chameleon Enthusiast
Currently I have two medium sized critter keepers set up. One for crickets and one for dubia roaches. My issue is keeping the crickets clean!!!

The dubias are easy. I open the lid and they all scurry onto the egg crates and I can pull that out and wipe the container clean real quick and change out the food dish and place them back in. Crickets on the other hand.... cant do it.

Currently I only buy them at about 100 every week or so since I only have one chameleon at the moment. (Eats about 12-16 per day). To clean the cricket enclosure I just wait until the last feeding before I get more. Feed off the last few, clean out the dead and waste, and put new egg crate and food dish in.

Is there a better way of keeping house crickets to cut back on die off and make it easier to clean short of keeping them in a bigger enclosure?
I was going to say bigger enclosure but oops that's what you are trying to avoid. I scoop out the poo weekly into a container that will hold any crickets that I accidentally get with it. Then back they go to await their invitation to dinner.
I think I may have to go with a bigger container. I found some different sized critter keepers online that arent offered in my local pet stores.

Scooping out the waste isnt a bad idea. I could probably find a small sifter or colander to use to catch any live crickets that may get scooped up accidentally.
I honestly wouldn't do any sort of critter keeper if you are going bigger, go with a ten gallon, aquarium the mesh lids allow for better airation.
I use a rubbermaid like storage container. I cut a square out of the lid, glued screen in place and lined the top 4 inches completely with packing tape to prevent escapes. I post a picture but I'm trapped a work.
@JacksJill this is my personal favorite way to keep them. Though I add an extra vent on the side usually. And add tons of space.
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