Better gravid female food


New Member
Is there a better type of food to give a pregnant cham, either egg laying or live bearing that is preffered by you more experienced owners here? Something that will help in the long run to produce more healthy offspring? Also anything to avoid or cut back on ?
A good variety is best. If you don't offer silks and butters you might want to add those to the diet. Both are high in calcium.
Agree. i feed silkworms like crazy. i alternate hornworms and butterworms. i try to avoid anything hard shelled the last couple of days or week. don't want her to strain to poop and drop an egg.
Is there a better type of food to give a pregnant cham, either egg laying or live bearing that is preffered by you more experienced owners here? Something that will help in the long run to produce more healthy offspring? Also anything to avoid or cut back on ?

feed her a wide variety of well gutloaded prey, not just when gravid but always. healthy offspring come from a female that is in good health prior to and during egg development.
I include silkworms, butterworms, and terrestrial isopods particularily, as well as wild-caught prey (like termites and grasshoppers)
Ive tried both wax and butterworms in the past but my jax just don't seem interested in them. Ive used a normal dark colored bird perch feeder and this vibrating dish for bearded dragons and they just look at them but seem to loose interest shortly there after. They love supers and the occasional horn worm if its small enough to fit in their mouths.
There are much more experienced owners than myself, many of which that I respect greatly have already chimed in, but for my routine for my pregnant female was silkworms almost strictly, with dubia dusted in extra calcium (for egg bearers) once a week to add a "ruffage". Of course there were snacks in between meals of others just to add variety; hornworms for extra hydration, super worms for extra variety (treat). These were only done once at any given time. Hope all goes well! Happy herping :)
I don't do anything different for gravid females food wise. A variety of properly gutloaded insects through all stages of life.

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