Big Chin?


New Member
Just woke up and turned my cham lights on etc..
She has a notably 'big' chin this morning, she seems to have been yawning, stretching also.... any ideas?:


It seems to be smaller now, maybe it was because she just woke up?
They puff their gular area up for different reasons, mostly in defense though.

It is fairly normal, especially in the morning, they may have a good yawn, with mouth open and everything. :)

They will also "yawn" to break a shed. :)

Also, she is very pretty. :)
As solid snake said. They yawn in the morning, and to stretch the skin to break a shed. Its perfectly normal so long as she doesnt do it all day as this is a sign of stress or even URI. I noticed she has a lot of white build up around her nostrils, which indicates a build up of excess salts, not calcium as some would lead you to believe. It is harmless and can be removed using a wet Q tip, if she doesnt bite your fingers off first! :D
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