Bioactive vivarium for veiled chameleon

Looks great I love begonia Rex my favorite terrarium plant.
What’s the dimensions on that?
I think you have a perineal hibiscus they wilt during the winter try a red darling they bloom huge flowers year round (pic below).
You can replace it with orchards they do well in terrariums imo.

It's 2x2x4 feet. I have a Begonia on the bottom and a white moth orchid at the top. They are in my picture. =)
The orchard look so nice I thought it was my bad
Wow you filled that out nice.

It's a real one haha. I also have an umbrella tree, 4 long pothos at least 1.5m, a Begonia, some Wandering Jew, a Fittonia, a pink starlite Bromeliad and a Hibiscus. The Hibiscus is not doing well though.
Update. One of the Hibiscus flower buds has bloom. My veiled is only exploring the top part of the enclosure for now, and he's taking down a few gnats attracted by the bright plant light.
Hey guys I have a question. Can I use black soldier fly larva as part of the bioactive microfauna?
I would definitely add more horizontal branches, looks good but your veiled will destroy those orchids, I’ve learned chameleons love to trample over pretty plants, lol, I just use pathos now over the frustration.
I would definitely add more horizontal branches, looks good but your veiled will destroy those orchids, I’ve learned chameleons love to trample over pretty plants, lol, I just use pathos now over the frustration.

I do have horizontal jungle vines wrap from branch to branch.

He is small now and love to chill on the orchids, I might remove the more delicate plants when he is bigger. I have lots of pothos vines in there too.
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