Bite pictures


New Member
I just came across a really old thread of a pretty nasty bite. I was hoping some others could chime in on pictures or stories of their bites? I'm a newbie to the site and have been bitten by many babies, but didn't realize their adult bites could do enough damage to cause 5 stitches! Ouch.
And after a bite that bad, how do you go about handling them?!?

If there's already a thread like this, lead me there haha.
Ok, so I got a Veiled 6 month old who recently got really aggressive from nothing. Every time I open up his enclosure he either hides in the plants or puffs up and starts lunging at me. At first I thought it was pretty cute, because when he lunged with his mouth wide open he just kept hitting my arm with his head. One day I noticed he actually tried to bite down but missed. So I put on a pair of very tough gloves I use for mountain biking and went on my business cleaning the cage and whatnot. But still he went for biting me even more and more ! Another time he actually got just the tip of my finger through the glove( I remained still so that I dont pull back and actually injure him) he couldn't actually get a really decent bite off but still it hurt a lot ! So now I put a pair of leather gloves inside the other gloves and then put them on when trying to handle him. Just 5 min ago I went to take him out to the balcony since it's really warm and I got a lot of plants. I was really calm with the double rough layer of gloves and didn't mind the lunging at my hand.... until he actually got in a good position and bit into my thumb... I still didn't move and allowed him to back off himself but MAN CAN THIS LITTLE BUGGER BITE ! It felt like squishing my finger with a door...
These guys have an amazing bite force ! And mine is only a 6 month old I cannot imagine what a fully grown Veiled would do to my hand ... the little sharp teeth are for cutting and the pure strength of the jaw for crushing is amazing ! I'm still trying to understand how he is so strong. So if you ask me, if or when your chammy starts acting up and hissess and bites... just let him be and handle him only if necessary ! And always have something on for protection just in case ! IF you guys want I could make and upload a video of my vicious little lovely monster.

I was amazed at the strength of my Nosy Be male's bite. I bought rubber garden gloves. He bite through once, but did not draw blood. He mainly surprised me, but I definitely felt the pressure. I thought he turned into a little alligator :eek:! The gloves have a pink colored palm, to simulate a real hand. You can also remove him with a good sized dowel rod. Good luck with your little vampire.:)
Never been bit by a Chameleon, but I'm sure it's not as bad as a Monitors bite. When my Argus Monitor was 2ft he bit a friend of mine & he was gushing blood.
They are 90% bark but when they bite they can really light you up. I had a 4 month old veiled who bit me hard enough to cut the blood, "suffice it to say it hurt".:eek: I didn't need stitches, but was real surprised at how hard they can bite. But you shouldn't let this discourage you from getting him out of his enclosure if it is necessary. They almost always calm down after you get them out when they are in the cage it's a territory thing. Just avoid being bit if at all possible. When holding him keep your thumb down, and away from his mouth don't ask me how I know this.:eek:
feeling thankfull

Im so glad my little guy is so chilled I was worried about territory having read that teens can get really viscous, I spent a lot of time "in" my guys tank as a baby just trimming the plants or cleaning out poop with him still in there (nothing like building or moving plants in case he got hurt) I share my room with him and he shares his tank with me. hell now come to watch what im doing very curious cheeky chap I aslo held him every day even just for a minute hes 7 months now and only this month have I gone a day without holding him lol I often dont need to get him out of his cage as if I open the doors hell freely walk out onto me then down acros the floor and up a plant infrount of my windows :) hes a real scardy cat hed rather hid from somthing than puff up at it or if hes not to happy about somthing hell snort at me lol its so cute♡
i agree with brownie64 i have a Veiled cham male 2-3 years old when i get him out of his cage he stops barking. I usually wait for him to come out. Once his out i will grab him and play with him and put him back.
Kabuki is very mild mannered and doesn't lunge. But he did get my finger once when we first got him and i was hand feeding him. I was surprised by the amount of pressure bared down, definitely not what I'd expected.
I got nipped for the first time by my Jax this week. I thought it would be cute to feed him a snail off my finger... well, Ferdinand grabbed a chunk of finger with it. I was surprised at how powerful his bite was... I would hate to be on his bad side. He would have easily broken skin if it had been a full-on bite.
my cham is very friendly, and even begs to come out. If i am spraying down his cage he comes running and climbs on my arm. I think if you keep working with him he will calm down. All of the reptiles i have are friendly and I think its because of the time i took to be gentle and hold them as babies and kept the interaction going as they grew. Finnick is about 7-8 months now and is still friendly as all can be. He never puffs up at anything (except the good ole mirror trick :cool: ) The only bite I've received from a reptile was from my argentine tegu Cato. For those that don't know tegus for some reason really react to the natural sun, they flip out the first few times. Tail whipping, mouth gaping, hissing. Lunging for bites. And when the weather warmed up this year I took Cato outside to let him roam without a leash or harness. I figured since last year I got him to the point of not being calm outside he'd be fine. The time came to come inside and I made the mistake of "cornering" him against the wall, he had his back towards me and i didn't let him know I was there beforehand, I reached down to pick him up and he spun his head around and latched onto my arm. Although he let go of me I still was surprised and the blood was flowing quite well, they have bigger teeth than chams lol. Once inside he was fine again. Just learn your reptiles behavior and know when to try and interact or when to back off and leave them alone for the day. I worked with my cham from the first day he came home, if he showed signs of stress he was left alone. By day 3 he was hand feeding already and he's still completely tame so work slowly but only do things that will build trust and not destroy it.
If. You made him.mad. it's. Your own fault
That have signs. There mad. And. You keep messing. With him.
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