bites the hand that feeds them...


Avid Member
Hi everyone,

well, some of you don't know but I hurt myself at work. I sliced off a small part of my thumb with a knife. 7 stitches later, and two weeks of it healing, sadly the skin fell off.
it's not gross now as the skin underneth has healed wonderfuly and I'm just left with a cut.

now my little Lauri has taken a notice to this finger from the day I got home from the hospital. she would follow my bandaged thumb like it was a giant silkie.

but look at her now as I try to take her back to her cage, she won't stop shooting my cut...

Guess you are getting your butt kicked by yet another female!:eek: Laurie is following her role model and looks good.:rolleyes:
It hurts so good hahahahahaha!!! Female panthers are such little fat turds. My one female would always shoot at my fingers and my eyes!!! Fingers, not so bad. Eyes, feels like someone flicked you:eek:
Awww! She just wants to send you her healing powers through her tongue, lol! How cute! Glad your finger is healing now though!
Maybe her motherly instincts have kicked in and she was just to tending to your wounds. Or she has tasted blood now shes a killer. Lol!
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