New Member
i did everything you guys asked for but still no results... my guy is still darker than ever. I'm pretty sure it has something to do with being trapped in the cage. the reason why i think this is because when i take him out his colours change almost immediately to the bright colours they have when relaxed. maybe he prefers no cage like those people who set up a free roaming areas......
90 degrees is not too hot for a veiled and is fine.
He appears to be a full grown adult.
Dehydration wouldn't cause him to be constantly dark, and you say his urates are white so that isn't the problem.
What size is his enclosure? Whether or not this guy is over a year old, he should be treated as if he is as he very obviously shows full colorations, a large casque, shows territorial and defensive behaviours (assuming from the picture of him fired up, my veiled never showed behaviours like that until he reached maturity), and is the size of some full grown male veileds. If he is in an enclosure smaller than 24x24x48 I would suspect that is the cause for his dark colorations.
And if you can, get him some sunlight, maybe he just wants to get some fresh air