Black Color


New Member
Recently, when i go into my room to check on Tarzan, he doesnt look very good.... he gets a light black color and he sort of lost his appetite. When i mist his cage, he drops from where hes clinging on a branch and his body goes downwards. Yesterday i got him a uvb bulb and he turned green. I gave him a cricket or two. Now he just stares at the crickets going up his cage and then spaces off... ive just seen him poop twice thats all...:( his happiness just went away out of a nowwhere.... please help!:(


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My Jackson seems to be more active if she gets a drop in temps at night and her cage is humid - I use a dripper along with spraying and have a cool mist humidifier that I run by her cage. I would get a milk jug or plastic bottle an put a small hole with a needle in it so that it drips from the top of your cage onto a leaf to see if you can get him to drink from it - if you put something under it to catch the water make sure you cover it so he can't fall into it. Good drainage is important with Jacksons. Mine also seems to get board with food quickly when she doesn't seem to be going for the crickets I give her some phoenix worms (calci at the pet store) or silkworms-
Jackson care is different so make sure you check the care sheet on suppliments and temps -you want to make sure that your using plain calcium- they sell it with D that has a picture of a Jackson that is not good to give to him more than once a month-
Info about Tarzan

He is a Jacksons Chameleon,Male, Ive had him since yesterday by 6:00 am
Handling - Hes too angry or shy to handle.
Feeding - Crickets, 3 a day, Morning, Afternoon,Night. Feeders gutloaded with apple, potatoe, and carrot.
Supplements - Zoo Med's Repti Calcium with D3 and done it just once.
Watering - Spray bottle misting, Homemade Dripper, Thrice a day 5 mins, Ive seen him drink only once.
Fecal Description - Black and an Orange'ish, I dont know if hes been tested for parasites.
History - He was a bit shy when trying to handle him.

Cage Info:
Cage Type - Black Mesh and Wire
Lighting - Exo-Terra 26 Wtt 5.0 UVB bulb. Regular house lightbulb for basking.
Temperature - Don't really keep track of temperature.
Humidity - Medium
Plants - Live vines and Others/
Placement - In my room, on top of clothe storage, Its ontop and on a range of a 4ft from heater vent. A 31/2 ftr.
Location - I am located in a ranch of California.

Here are some pics of his setup:


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He is a Jacksons Chameleon,Male, Ive had him since yesterday by 6:00 am
Handling - Hes too angry or shy to handle.
Feeding - Crickets, 3 a day, Morning, Afternoon,Night. Feeders gutloaded with apple, potatoe, and carrot.
Supplements - Zoo Med's Repti Calcium with D3 and done it just once.
Watering - Spray bottle misting, Homemade Dripper, Thrice a day 5 mins, Ive seen him drink only once.
Fecal Description - Black and an Orange'ish, I dont know if hes been tested for parasites.
History - He was a bit shy when trying to handle him.

Cage Info:
Cage Type - Black Mesh and Wire
Lighting - Exo-Terra 26 Wtt 5.0 UVB bulb. Regular house lightbulb for basking.
Temperature - Don't really keep track of temperature.
Humidity - Medium
Plants - Live vines and Others/
Placement - In my room, on top of clothe storage, Its ontop and on a range of a 4ft from heater vent. A 31/2 ftr.
Location - I am located in a ranch of California.

Here are some pics of his setup:

A few things that could be related. Chameleons should be fed always in the morning for proper food digestion, temperature SHOULD be kept track of, and make sure he has calcium without d3 for regular eating.
You need to get the calcium without D - That is the brand that makes my blood boil as they have a picture of a Jackson on it and too much of that will kill him. (once a month is fine so don't freak out)
The orange in his poop is a sign of dehydration and Jacksons don't like it too hot or dry so being close to a heater vent might not be great - they will make your humidity go down - Since you just got him he's most likely just settling in- but make sure he has the dripper going often and I would up your misting or get a cool mist humidifier or both.
Usually do it like this multivitamin and calcium with d3 on every other sunday and mon-sat is calcium without d3.

Yesterday like at 6, he was biting the leaves and he was like acting and like telling me to give him water. I felt really happy when he did this. I neared the water sprayer to him and i just squeezed the bottles trigger and he started drinking from it :) How can i keep doing this?
A few things that could be related. Chameleons should be fed always in the morning for proper food digestion

This is not true. Chameleons do need time and heat to digest their meals but this does not mean they have to only be fed in the morning. I feed meels all day until a 2-3 hours before bed time.
Unfortunately, it seems that many of you are misinformed about Jackson's supplementing.

Do not supplement a Jackson's Chameleon as you would a veiled chameleon. They do not require that much supplementation.

Calcium and other vitamins are very important to your chameleon's health. Feeder insects should be lightly dusted with powdered supplement before being fed to your chameleon. As a montane species (native to higher altitudes) Jackson's have decreased supplementation requirements compared to tropical species due to metabolism differences. Use calcium (without D3 or phosphorus) twice a week, a multivitamin once a month, and calcium with D3 once a month.
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