black eye bubble- very sick lil' dude -HELP!!


New Member
whats wrong with him and how can we fix it?
veiled chameloeon "Red" had a black buble bubble blow out from his eye yesturday, and stay for about an hour before popping. He hasn't opened his eye since and hasn't been eating for a while. Before he was eating well calciumed meal worms and crickets and had a uvb light for roughly 12 hours a day. Temps and humidity were all fine. he was happy as larry.
He has been showing black spots recently- but this may just be his coloring...?
please help he has gotten so thin.
:( :confused:
...had a black buble bubble blow out from his eye yesturday, and stay for about an hour before popping.

...hasn't been eating for a while.

He has been showing black spots recently...

please help he has gotten so thin...
Howdy Amber,

This kind of condition needs the skills of a vet with plenty of reptile experience and has hopefully worked with chameleons to some degree.

While you are getting your vet appointment scheduled, it would be good to photo-document what you are seeing to be able to share it with us and what the vet's diagnosis and treatment becomes.

You described this as happening in the last day or two. How long has he not been eating? You described him as "so thin".

It is possible that the black spots are normal colorations but from the description but they could also be the result of a bacterial/fungal infection related to your current eye problem.
thanks he hasn't eaten for a few days now, but we managed to hand feed him a cricket this morning and have been misting the cage more frequently. we also managed to feed him some mineral filled water as well. the black dots seem to appear only when he was stressed and are now not appearing at all.
we will go see the vet.
there really is not much to photograph for you he looks as though he is in a deep slumbar all the time. but will try. i have heard about showering with dehydrated lizards that don't want to drink- how should this be done?



black eye bubble..........

Can we get an update on your sick Veiled? Did you get him to the vet? I'm really interested in what the "eye bubble" issue is. We can all learn from your experience if you will tell us how things turned out. Thanks....
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