Recovery from respiratory infection?

@MissSkittles said…”That seems an odd place to me. Usually and as far as I’m aware, injections are given in the front arms, around bicep area. @kinyongadoes this seem ok to you - to give antibiotic injection in the ribs?”…the video @jannb provided is right. You don’t want to give the injection in the rear/back half of the body because the chameleons lack the loop of henle and the antibiotics will go straight out into the kidneys/urinary system and do the chameleon no good.

I post #3, how old is she in the photos?

How cold does it get in your area during the winter?
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Just found this…
“The renal portal system of reptiles allows for venous circulation from the hindlimbs and tail to course directly to the kidneys. Because of this, it has been recommended that medications should not be injected into the hind legs or tail as they will be conveyed to the kidneys, increasing the possibility of nephrotoxicity for aminoglycosides, and in the case of other drugs, reducing the likelihood of achieving the desired therapeutic effect. However, it is believed that a valve does exist, similar to that described in birds, shunting the blood, allowing it to pass either through the kidneys, or directly from the renal portal system to the postcava, bypassing the renal parenchyma.”…
@MissSkittles said…”That seems an odd place to me. Usually and as far as I’m aware, injections are given in the front arms, around bicep area. @kinyongadoes this seem ok to you - to give antibiotic injection in the ribs?”…the video @jannb provided is right. You don’t want to give the injection in the rear/back half of the body because the chameleons lack the loop of henle and the antibiotics will go straight out into the kidneys/urinary system and do the chameleon no good.

I post #3, how old is she in the photos?

How cold does it get in your area during the winter?
i’m not sure how old she is maybe six months old and it beth’s but it stays around 70 in my house give or take
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